David Given wrote:
I'll try hooking up a voltmeter and seeing what the E1's TX is producing.
With PBL running, I'm reading about -9V at the E1's Tx pin and +9V at CTS and DSR. When PBL's not running it leaves CTS and DSR low. This sounds like a real serial port to *me*.
But nothing seems to come out. I need a scope.
It might be waiting for some sort of passkey, although this seems a little unlikely. If so, though, our only options are either hope that some nice person from Amstrad tells us what it is, or else to build a JTAG adaptor and extract the ROM...
Incidentally, I took another peek inside looking for jumpers, and I did notice two unpopulated 0.1" headers: one is a 16-pin one, but next to it is a 20-pin one with a box around it. It's not labelled other than as JB1, but it could very well be a standard JTAG header. I would *not* be keen on soldering pins to that, though, particularly if I wanted them to be in a straight line.
BTW, any recommendations on JTAG hardware? It occurs to me that now I've fried the UART on the E2, I might as well have a go with attaching JTAG pins --- I can't make it any less useful than it is now.