Greetings from new list member.
I have bought E3 recently in hope I could use it as IP phone, or even POTS
phone with extra newtworking features. I alread have asterisk running on it,
controled from keypad via lirc, with led provided visual feedback. Two parts
are missing: working sound driver for handset/speakerphone and input driver
for hook switch. It looks like most develompents have ceased about 2 years
ago, but I have some questions if you are still there.
Question to Mark Underwood:
Are you still working on E3 sound driver? If not, what blockers can you see?
Maybe I could help.
Questions to Jonathan McDowell, maybe others:
1. Did you succeed in talking to the handset over the modem chip in full
2. Did you try to create a driver for hook switch hanging off GPIO input 4, as
Matt Callow detected it once? If not, what hints could you give me for
creating one?
3. As googling did not give me any answer, where can I find any info on Q;Q;
block format?
Question to Martin Whitaker:
Have you successfully setup your device for making voice calls with handset
over the modem using AT commands?
More questions:
1. Has anyone managed to boot a kernel built from Amstrad provided sources
2. What is the format of a copy of the kernel taken from the device
(kernel2.4.18_mvl30-ams-delta)? Has anyone managed to boot it with u-boot or
other open source loader?
3. Has anyone managed to make any use of flash image backups, for example, for
examining filesystem contents?