Sorry for 3rd email...
Using a 9V supply the emailer appears to start - email and voice lights flash, then after some time the power light comes on when I press power, and camera light comes on when I then press video, but the LCD does not come on. So I suspect that amstrad were being cheap in choosing such a high voltage PSU - because they didn't want to include a backlight inverter to boost the voltage for the LCD backlight. I thus further suspect that I can still talk to the serial port without the full voltage input... so if I build a cable, is there a way I can tell which PBL I have from the serial output?
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 12:08 AM, Edward Robbins <
Hmm... actually programming the AT49LV1024 looks to be a pain in the butt, so I guess if it has PBL 5.1 I am screwed.
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 11:45 PM, Edward Robbins <> wrote:
Hello e3 hackers,
I just received an e3, which to start with I'd just like to get a kernel to boot on (not quite sure what I'll do with it yet - but that will come later).
The guy that gave it to me me said it had been in storage for some time, so fingers crossed that it has not been updated. I don't know yet because I haven't got a compatible PSU yet!
If I understand correctly it's the proprietary bootloader on the 128Kb NOR flash that may have been updated making it difficult to hack? Would it be possible to get around this by flashing manually (using an AVR or similar?) If so would anyone be able to supply the correct binary image for the flash?
Assuming I can pass this hurdle, what is the shape of linux support for this now? I see from reading the mailing list that the late 2.6 series worked fine... how about 3.x? How about defconfigs with full (or as much as possible) hardware support? I am happy cross compiling a kernel... I guess I can use any old ARM cross compiler?
What exactly is the boot process and how does this limit the size of the kernel image? There's a way to get uboot on there - how can I do this? Does the kernel always need to be sent over serial?
Sorry for all the questions, but without reading the entire mailing list there doesn't seem to be an easy way to find answers!
Thanks, Ed