Since you CAN compile code on the E3, where would I get gcc for use on the E3? I'm going to be getting an E3 especially for use with linux (to sit next to my actual E3 which I use as a phone). I don't have any experience setting up a cross compiler, so if there is any instructions for setting up a cross compiler under linux I'd like that too :)
Thanks, Luke
Well, I've had Debian running on the E3, and for a stunt I tried compiling a kernel; it took about four hours. (Look in the list archives for "Debian report" for the exact figures.) While it's still faster than the Sun workstations I learnt to program on, personally I'd be happier cross-compiling.
Incidentally, I also have an NSLU2, which is a similar specced ARM device with 32MB and a USB 2 disk. Trying to compile C++ on that more or less kills it stone dead. Trying to compile a 4000 line C++ program took, basically, all day; I think this is because the C++ compiler's working set is too big to fit in RAM, which means its thrashing the swap continuously. So given that the E3 has a USB 1 connection, making for ludicrously slow swap, things would be even worse on it.
----- Original Message ----- From: "David Given" To: "Discussion of the Amstrad E3 emailer hardware/software" Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 12:30 AM Subject: Re: [E3-hacking] Compiling Apps
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