Okay, this is slightly embarassing...
I've just dug my E2 out of storage, wanting to set it up again. I've found the E2, the TTL line converter, but I've also found my very large box full of dozens of miscellaneous DC adaptors. I have no idea which one of them works with the E2. The manual doesn't say what voltage or polarity to use.
I've found an FP branded 12V positive-tip adaptor with a connector that fits --- does this sound familiar?
Unless there has been a radical redesign of the E2 your adapter for the E2 should be a blue Amstrad branded adapter marked OUTPUT: DC 28V 280mA Mine is marked Model No: PSU-EM2001A-UK I havent checked to see if it actually does output 28v but that is what my adapter says. en4rab
--- David Given dg@cowlark.com wrote:
Okay, this is slightly embarassing...
I've just dug my E2 out of storage, wanting to set it up again. I've found the E2, the TTL line converter, but I've also found my very large box full of dozens of miscellaneous DC adaptors. I have no idea which one of them works with the E2. The manual doesn't say what voltage or polarity to use.
I've found an FP branded 12V positive-tip adaptor with a connector that fits --- does this sound familiar?
-- "Curses! Foiled by the chilled dairy treats of righteousness!" --- Earthworm Jim (evil)
e3-hacking mailing list e3-hacking@earth.li http://www.earth.li/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/e3-hacking
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On Saturday 02 July 2005 05:03, en4rab wrote:
Unless there has been a radical redesign of the E2 your adapter for the E2 should be a blue Amstrad branded adapter marked OUTPUT: DC 28V 280mA Mine is marked Model No: PSU-EM2001A-UK
Yup, found it. It wasn't *in* the Big Box of DC adaptors, of course... (and my one is black).
Now I've discovered that my TTL line level converter board seems to have died. Given that I had endless grief getting this to work in the first place, does anyone know where I can get a ready-made converter that comes in, like, a box? I know that the radio HAM community uses these things a lot, so they might be a good source --- any suggestions?
Im afraid I dont know anywhere that sells a finished product in a nice box but I have a couple of ideas. The first idea which im fairly sure will work ok is to buy a max232 interface from either here: http://www.tailor-madecircuits.com/rs232_max.htm or here: http://shop.jabsplace.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=11&am...
These are meant to draw their power from the target device so they have a pin for 5v to be applied to, since the E2 doesnt have an easily accessable supply, unless you dragged the jtag port out to a connector on the back :), It would probably be possible to power the interface with a 4.5v cmos backup battery such as this one from maplin: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=22787&doy=3m7D connect the battery accross vcc and gnd, and then make a lead to take rxd txd and gnd to the exp port. Just be sure to disconnect the battery when the interface isnt in use. This is just an idea off the top of my head and it hasnt been tested, the only issue i can think of is if 4.5v is enough for the max 232 which is a 5v part i think.
Im still not 100% sure what voltage the exp port is supposed to work at, from reading other arm documentation i was under the impression that arm devices I/O was 3.3v or there abouts so when i built my interface I used a max3232 which is designed for operation from about 3v to 5v and i took my supply from the the same point I used for Vref for the jtag, but others on this list are using 5v so i guess that is ok. (I must read the docs sometime lol)
A slightly more off the wall idea might be to sacrifice a datacable for a nokia phone, i *think* that would work, and as a bonus should draw its power from the PC's serial port, but i would have to look into it some more. The 2 shops above are selling the max232 interfaces because they are being used by people to communicate with a pace set top box, but others have used nokia data cables with the ends chopped off to achieve the same results. Im off work on monday if i get a chance i wiil have a root about and see if i can find a data cable to try it. If you wanted to have a go, try to find the oldest nokia cable you can and preferably an fbus only type (or one you can switch between f and m bus) The F bus type has txd rxd and gnd (mbus has rxd and txd as one wire i think) I think a 3210 cable should work ok but other types should too.
This is all untested though so dont hold me responsible if your E2 blows up or it doesnt work. your mileage will vary. en4rab
--- David Given dg@cowlark.com wrote:
Now I've discovered that my TTL line level converter board seems to have died. Given that I had endless grief getting this to work in the first place, does anyone know where I can get a ready-made converter that comes in, like, a box? I know that the radio HAM community uses these things a lot, so they might be a good source --- any suggestions?
-- "Curses! Foiled by the chilled dairy treats of righteousness!" --- Earthworm Jim (evil)
e3-hacking mailing list e3-hacking@earth.li http://www.earth.li/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/e3-hacking
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David, en4,
I use an ex-Ericsson T610 datacable to talk to the E2. It's USB-powered and contains a PL2303 USB-serial 'uart' and has no line drivers.
Ericssons have 3.3V interfaces whilst the E2 talks at 5V - I cracked mine open and rewired the 'VccIO' pin (my own name - I can't remember the real name, it's the I/O pads power supply which may be greater or less than the 3.3V logic supply to the PL2303) to 5V instead of 3.3V. In fact my particular cable has a switch on the side (charging on/off it seems) so I can switch 5V/3.3V operation (for other projects).
It's very nice, I'd highly recommend going down this route rather than making all sorts of separate boards and, as has been mentioned, trying to find a +5V supply for them.
(Actually if you CBA to crack it open and change it from 3.3 to 5V it should work at 3.3 too. (though of course the inputs may not be 5V tolerant on your cable - consult the data sheet, a good proportion of the el cheapo no-brandname cables have the PL2303 in though.))
Best of luck,
PS: I believe Nokia F-Bus also runs at 3.3V
On Sunday 03 July 2005 20:02, Matt Evans wrote: [...]
I use an ex-Ericsson T610 datacable to talk to the E2. It's USB-powered and contains a PL2303 USB-serial 'uart' and has no line drivers.
I've just been out looking for a cable from the various high street mobile phone shops. Four out of the six shops didn't have anything on display, or wouldn't talk to me; one had a T610 data cable for 30 quid, which I politely turned down; and the Nokia shop said, "F-Bus? What's that?"
Any suggestions on good mail order places to get one?
(Actually if you CBA to crack it open and change it from 3.3 to 5V it should work at 3.3 too. (though of course the inputs may not be 5V tolerant on your cable - consult the data sheet, a good proportion of the el cheapo no-brandname cables have the PL2303 in though.))
A PL2303 would be nice; Linux supports it, and there's none of that faffing around with serial ports. (Instead you get to faff around with USB ports. Whee!)
I have always got my phone spares from here: http://www.m-99.co.uk/ they have a sony ericcsson cable for £16.95 on this page: http://www.m-99.co.uk/Mobile_Phone_Data_Cables/mobile_phone_data_cables.html near the bottom. They list 3 cables (one for unlocking which is no good i think) ans 2 others one that is definately USB for £16.95 and another for £9.95 but it doesnt say if it is USB. I havent ever had any problems ordering from m-99.
I had a quick try with a couple of nokia phone leads the other day but i didnt have any success communicating with the emailer, the ones i had were the f and m bus type but without a switch so that might have been the problem, i believe the newer type use the RTS and another pin on the serial port to power and switch between f and m bus so possibly they might work if you faffed with the serial port, but as it was i got nothing with them. As it is it sounds like the sony T610 USB datalead is a good bet as it has already been made to work.
A random google search also turned up these sites: http://www.t2retail.co.uk/productDetail.asp?product=1709605 for £19 http://www.edirectory.co.uk/pf/pages/moreinfoa.asp?recordid=1523743&cid=... £19.76
and http://www.mobilefun.co.uk/product/941.htm £17.45
all prices include postage, im not sure if all of them offer the charging function as well as the data connection. en4rab
Oh and off topic but if any of you have matt evans boot monitor running on your E2 have you tryed typing "fire" at the terminal prompt :) I discovered that the other day, its rather cool en4rab
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