I've just tried the pre-built kernel image "uImage-2.6.16-omap2-e3" from http://the.earth.li/pub/e3/2.6.16/ which I believe has Matt Callow's mailboard patch applied.
The mailboard gives me strange results... I can't get the forward slash to work, and some of the "shifted" symbols on the number keys generate the wrong symbol.
I've missed something haven't I..? Do I need to setup a keymap under Linux to get this working? Or should it generate the right keys straight out of the box?
David J. Singer wrote: [...]
I've missed something haven't I..? Do I need to setup a keymap under Linux to get this working? Or should it generate the right keys straight out of the box?
The mailboard thinks by default it's an AT keyboard with (I think) a US keymap, which only bears a very slight resemblance to what's actually written on the keys. Yes, you need to install a keymap; I posted one not long ago that implements most of the keys. Search the list archives for 'Mailboard keymap'.
- -- +- David Given --McQ-+ "Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty | dg@cowlark.com | specific things to say about killing?" "Quite | (dg@tao-group.com) | specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the +- www.cowlark.com --+ subject of kneecaps." --- Firefly, _War Stories_