On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 08:43:32PM +0000, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
Another weird thing (I've only checked a couple of machines admittedly) is that Linux Emporium's prices seem to be pretty much the same as standard IBM RRP...so it looks like any saving in not paying the Windows tax has been swallowed by their costs of putting on an alternative OS. This probably because in terms of cost to the manufacturer (at least in the case of large scale manufacturers like IBM) the actual cost of the OEM license is probably almost negligible.
This comes down to something I read saying that paying for a machine without an MS license costs more than a machine with one (lower volume, higher cost etc.), they try to order a machine without a license, but if it turns out they can't get one (the lead time is 3 or 4 weeks if it is out of stock) then they order one with Windows, remove it and the license sticker and try to get a refund later on (they don't pass costs on to the purchaser). They have been told if they start buying enough machines that they will get a discount, of course this would rely upon people buying from them.
(AIUI etc. etc. ask them directly for more)
Thanks Adam