On 12-Jun-2012 19:39:55 mick wrote:
On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 19:00:49 +0100 (BST) (Ted Harding) Ted.Harding@wlandres.net allegedly wrote:
Greetings all! Anyone out there who banks with Barclays and is having problems accessing Online Banking with Linux?
Fine here (FF 13.0 on xubuntu 12.04.
As for suggestions, maybe update your setup? Or better yet, change you bank......
[From my previous message]: "I'm using (an admittedly slightly elderly) Iceweasel of 2006 on a Debian Etch 2.6.18 last updated Feb 2010."
I just tried again on another machine which has Iceweasel 3.0.6 (2010) on a Debian 2.6.26 of Nov 2010. Still the same problem.
Given that I had no problems at all up to 6 days ago, presumably Barclays have changed something.
Might it be a Java problem in my browser?
------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: (Ted Harding) Ted.Harding@wlandres.net Date: 12-Jun-2012 Time: 22:52:28 This message was sent by XFMail -------------------------------------------------