Hi Everyone, I wanted to get a jabber-account on earth.li, but my client (Pidgin on Windows 7) throws a "403 forbidden" at me...
On https://xmpp.net/directory.php jabber.earth.li is listed as public/free and has A-Grades in terms of Security. So I assumed I could register with my client.
Is there any webinterface through which I could register? Is it a client-problem? Or are registrations disabled?
Thank you in Advance, Maciej "Metty" Schuttkowski
Log (I removed my password, the rest is untouched):
(12:32:05) jabber: Recv (ssl)(228): <iq from='jabber.earth.li' id='purple3ad95fec' type='result'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'><instructions>Choose a username and password to register with this server</instructions><username></username><password/></query></iq>
(12:32:05) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: YES
(12:32:05) connection: Activating keepalive.
(12:32:08) jabber: Sending (ssl) (metty@jabber.earth.li/dcdo): <iq type='set' id='purple3ad95fed' to='jabber.earth.li'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'><username>metty</username><password>#pw#</password></query></iq>
(12:32:08) jabber: Recv (ssl)(256): <iq from='jabber.earth.li' id='purple3ad95fed' type='error'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'><username>metty</username><password>umhaomav</password></query><error code='403' type='auth'><forbidden xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
(12:32:08) account: Disconnecting account metty@jabber.earth.li/dcdo (026EDFA0)