I'm running a laptop system and once had problems with a text based installer (for Debian 3.0).
I found an option in my BIOS to 'stretch output to fit screen' (or something along those lines.
I don't know whether a similar BIOS option might be available but it fixed my problem.
I have just replaced my monitor with a TFT panel.
When X is started (I have changed XF86Config-4 appropriately) the image will sometimes appear perfectly positioned but at other times the right-hand edge of the image appears in the centre of the screen with the rest disappearing off the left edge and the image looks a little distorted. If I then switch to a text console and back to the graphics console the image is displayed correctly.
I have never seen this with my old monitor neither does it happend on my laptop (TFT screen). Can anyone suggest why it should happen?
Barry Samuels http://www.beenthere-donethat.org.uk The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain