It's nice to be able to report a success, particularly in what can otherwise be a weak-spot to GNU/Linux, that of interfacing to hardware which is supplied only with Windows (or occasionaly Mac) drivers.
Having bought a nice new digital camera, my first attempt at getting pictures off it was on Linux. It took about 30 seconds to install gphoto2 and about a further 30 seconds or so to fetch all the pictures from the camera.
Next I was round a friend's and tried to fetch the pictures from the camera to a Windows PC to view them on the screen. After putting in the software disc from the manufacturer the PC spent a good ten minutes running InstallShield for what seemed like an infinite series of related components eventually coming to a halt when one of the instances of InstallShield seemed to reach some kind of deadlock. After a reboot and a second attempt things were no better - in fact it was more than InstallShield that had to be killed with Task Manager.
The windows new hardware wizard did detect the camera once and offered a choice of application. After picking the one from the manufacter and finding, not to any great suprise, that it didn't work there wasn't any obvious way of getting back to that choice despite not having clicked the "remember my choice" checkbox. Unplugging the camera and plugging in again, cycling the power on the camera and another reboot of the PC all failed to get back to that dialog.
So, after a frustrating half hour in front of the windows PC I took the camera home, fetched the photos with gphoto2 and in less than a minute I'd e-mailed them back to my friend.
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 00:53 +0100, Steve Fosdick wrote:
It's nice to be able to report a success, particularly in what can otherwise be a weak-spot to GNU/Linux, that of interfacing to hardware which is supplied only with Windows (or occasionaly Mac) drivers.
That is good to hear.
Your pain on the Windows end sounds like a result of this trend to bundle loads of 2nd rate software with hardware devices. I have seen many Multifunction Printers (stand up at the back HP) that have at least 500MB worth of installation cruft, most of which seems to simply repeat functionality that is already present in recent versions of Windows.
The truly sickening thing is that despite all this "value added" cruft there was no OCR type software....the one thing that XP doesn't include but would have been useful.
On some of these installations (unless you know how to pick around a CD and find the drivers) there is often not an obvious way to just install the basic functionality.
I wonder how long it is before we see a Windows printer driver that captures your Credit Card details and then orders supplies for itself from Amazon :-)
This is why asking some manufacturers for better Linux hardware support could be a double edged sword. If better support means opening interface specs or providing an open source driver it will be fine. But if better support means peddling the same rubbish they give to the Windows users then I think I'd rather stick with community engineered Open Source drivers thanks.
Wayne Stallwood
The truly sickening thing is that despite all this "value added" cruft there was no OCR type software....the one thing that XP doesn't include but would have been useful.
On a related note, I'm finding that ocrad is getting quite good. It doesn't like black text on green paper, but I don't either. Anyone found it works/doesn't work for them? Anyone using it in big applications?
I'd quite like to get one of the scanner buttons generating text and data files on shm when pushed, but as far as I can tell, it sends no signal out over SCSI. Anyone connected these buttons?
On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 08:07 +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
I'd quite like to get one of the scanner buttons generating text and data files on shm when pushed, but as far as I can tell, it sends no signal out over SCSI. Anyone connected these buttons?
I did it once with a USB scanner (Umax I think) using the USB HID driver I was able to see the button presses in xev and therefore map them.
But I have no idea how the SCSI connected scanners do this.