Hi! We would be happy to offer your Linux group (ALUG) 10 free tickets to attend Linux@work in London next Thursday (see below). If you wish to take this offer please contact Melanie Salm at salm@ltt.de, or tel.+49-6173-95 58 50 and simply tell her the names of the people. We will prepare the name badges.
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari LogOn
--------------------------------------------- Linux@work Is Linux ready for business?
Pan-European Tour `99:
- Frankfurt, Sept. 27 - Zurich, Sept. 28 ----> London,Sept. 29 - Copenhaghen, Oct. 11 - Oslo, Oct. 12 - Stockholm, Oct.13 - Helsinki, Oct. 14 - Amsterdam. Oct. 15
Conference programs available at: http://www.ltt.de/linux.html ---------------------------------------------
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
I've already a invite (that I have to confirm by thursday), can anyone confirm whether its actually worth attending.. ie, are any of the real kernel hackers making a apearence, as I'd like to have a chat with Alan Cox :) Any idea who the "Leading Players" are in the Linux Conference section!
I can't be arsed to apply for a ticket if its not worth attending.. even though I have that week off work, and it could be a good outing :) Of course I can't play the Computer Shopper show game - ie how many free t-shirts/alcohol can I scronge off the stallholders.
On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Roberto Zicari wrote:
Hi! We would be happy to offer your Linux group (ALUG) 10 free tickets to attend Linux@work in London next Thursday (see below). If you wish to take this offer please contact Melanie Salm at salm@ltt.de, or tel.+49-6173-95 58 50 and simply tell her the names of the people. We will prepare the name badges.
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari LogOn
Linux@work Is Linux ready for business?
Pan-European Tour `99:
- Frankfurt, Sept. 27
- Zurich, Sept. 28
----> London,Sept. 29
- Copenhaghen, Oct. 11
- Oslo, Oct. 12
- Stockholm, Oct.13
- Helsinki, Oct. 14
- Amsterdam. Oct. 15
Conference programs available at: http://www.ltt.de/linux.html
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
Double Doh! Got it confused with Linux Expo - 6th-7th October.
In any case.. is either worth attending, as I do have free tickets for both :)
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Dan Jones wrote:
I've already a invite (that I have to confirm by thursday), can anyone confirm whether its actually worth attending.. ie, are any of the real kernel hackers making a apearence, as I'd like to have a chat with Alan Cox :) Any idea who the "Leading Players" are in the Linux Conference section!
I can't be arsed to apply for a ticket if its not worth attending.. even though I have that week off work, and it could be a good outing :) Of course I can't play the Computer Shopper show game - ie how many free t-shirts/alcohol can I scronge off the stallholders.
On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Roberto Zicari wrote:
Hi! We would be happy to offer your Linux group (ALUG) 10 free tickets to attend Linux@work in London next Thursday (see below). If you wish to take this offer please contact Melanie Salm at salm@ltt.de, or tel.+49-6173-95 58 50 and simply tell her the names of the people. We will prepare the name badges.
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari LogOn
Linux@work Is Linux ready for business?
Pan-European Tour `99:
- Frankfurt, Sept. 27
- Zurich, Sept. 28
----> London,Sept. 29
- Copenhaghen, Oct. 11
- Oslo, Oct. 12
- Stockholm, Oct.13
- Helsinki, Oct. 14
- Amsterdam. Oct. 15
Conference programs available at: http://www.ltt.de/linux.html
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
Talking of exhibitions, seminars and the like, is anyone planning on going to the Linux EXPO 99 at Olympia on 6/7 October??
Hi! We would be happy to offer your Linux group (ALUG) 10 free tickets to attend Linux@work in London next Thursday (see below). If you wish to take this offer please contact Melanie Salm at salm@ltt.de, or tel.+49-6173-95 58 50 and simply tell her the names of the people. We will prepare the name badges.
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari LogOn
Linux@work Is Linux ready for business?
Pan-European Tour `99:
- Frankfurt, Sept. 27
- Zurich, Sept. 28
----> London,Sept. 29
- Copenhaghen, Oct. 11
- Oslo, Oct. 12
- Stockholm, Oct.13
- Helsinki, Oct. 14
- Amsterdam. Oct. 15
Conference programs available at: http://www.ltt.de/linux.html
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
Ian Thompson-Bell
The Technology Partnership plc Melbourn Science Park Melbourn Herts SG8 6EE United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1763 262626 Fax: +44 1763 261582
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
Seems like a bargain to me. Looking at their site the 'normal' price is £120 which includes proceedings and lunch. For me it would be worth it to collar the man from Inprise to find out when Delphi for Linux will be available.
I've already a invite (that I have to confirm by thursday), can anyone confirm whether its actually worth attending.. ie, are any of the real kernel hackers making a apearence, as I'd like to have a chat with Alan Cox :) Any idea who the "Leading Players" are in the Linux Conference section!
I can't be arsed to apply for a ticket if its not worth attending.. even though I have that week off work, and it could be a good outing :) Of course I can't play the Computer Shopper show game - ie how many free t-shirts/alcohol can I scronge off the stallholders.
On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Roberto Zicari wrote:
Hi! We would be happy to offer your Linux group (ALUG) 10 free tickets to attend Linux@work in London next Thursday (see below). If you wish to take this offer please contact Melanie Salm at salm@ltt.de, or tel.+49-6173-95 58 50 and simply tell her the names of the people. We will prepare the name badges.
Best Regards
Roberto Zicari LogOn
Linux@work Is Linux ready for business?
Pan-European Tour `99:
- Frankfurt, Sept. 27
- Zurich, Sept. 28
----> London,Sept. 29
- Copenhaghen, Oct. 11
- Oslo, Oct. 12
- Stockholm, Oct.13
- Helsinki, Oct. 14
- Amsterdam. Oct. 15
Conference programs available at: http://www.ltt.de/linux.html
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]
Ian Thompson-Bell
The Technology Partnership plc Melbourn Science Park Melbourn Herts SG8 6EE United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1763 262626 Fax: +44 1763 261582
[ This email came to you via the Anglian Linux User Group list ] [ If you only wish to recieve event announcements, email the ] [ SUBJECTs of "unsubscribe alug" and "subscribe alug-announce" ] [ to listserver@stu.uea.ac.uk -- We do need your support, tho' ]