On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 15:58 +0100, tom potts wrote:
Not that I thought it would die but: http://www.computerworld.com/blogs/node/688 and http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20050804095846895
Yes I've been following this on various sites for the last few days, it looks like it is going to be my new favourite outcome.
Essentially if Novell pull this off, then the Money (or what's left of it) Microsoft paid SCO for IP Rights may be collected by Novell and surely ultimately benefit one of the strongest (IMO) commercial Linux distributions.
I wonder what shade of purple Bill Gates is turning right now. Using the industry standard of crayola colours I would say he is somewhere between "Razzmatazz" and "Hot Magenta".