I've wanted to do this at several different times and places, some of my solutions are OK'ish but I've not really come up with something neat and tidy for doing it.
I want a simple (for the user, and preferably for me too in creating it) web page where a user can enter an amount, probably with a date and a description, that gets added to (or subtracted from) a running total. The user can also see the list of transactions that contributes to the current total.
I.e. I want something that looks like a bank statement but can be changed easily on the web page itself.
So we'd have something like:-
Date Descritption Credit Debit Balance 2012-01-01 Start of year 1234.00 1234.00 2012-02-14 Valentine Pres 12.34 1221.66 2012-03-01 Paid for joke 99.00 1320.66
Plus either a blank line at the bottom of the table to enter new values, or some edit boxes to add new values.
There's lots of online spreadsheets out there but since they all tend to be Excel lookalikes they don't do running balances very easily, you have to keep re-entering the balance calculation in the balance column, there doesn't seem to be any easy way to say a column is a calculated value that is always the same calculated value (or at least I've not found it).
My implementations so far have either used a database with a very nasty complicated calculated value in the Balance column (that depends on the ordering of the date column which isn't always a good idea if there's more than one entry on the same date) or uses a plugin I have developed for my Wiki which requires the user to edit the wiki page - OK for me usually but not very good for other users.
Any bright ideas anyone? Doesn't actually have to be web accessible as it will only have one or two users for each instance so could be done with a dedicated application and a shared file for example.