P4M's should be i686 compatible shouldn't they ?
I noticed the other week that the Ubuntu installer had selected the i386 kernel build on my Thinkpad...thinking that this was a mistake on the part of the installer I changed this to the i686 one (moving restricted modules over to i686 as well after my wireless broke)
Since doing that I have experienced a couple of hard lockups...two when running Mozilla Firefox and one when using VMware Player (The VMware kernel modules taint the kernel but they don't usually give me any bother) Similarly I have never heard of Firefox crashes killing a whole machine.
Moving back to the i386 kernel I cannot repeat these problems.
My understanding is that i686 was everything from a Pentium Pro upwards..the P4M being based on the PIII core I thought this would be fine, but maybe there are some instructions not implemented on the P4M...Any thoughts ? My Music server (A real PIII) is running the i686 kernel and is rock solid.