On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 08:50, bjsamuels@beenthere-donethat.org.uk wrote:
On 19-Jul-2004 Steve Purkiss wrote:
Met Chris from frugalIT in Witham the other night at my A12 business networking club meeting and he said would be good to set something up for the - let's say "lower" regions of East Anglia - Norwich is a bit too far and Southend is an entirely different world to Chelmsford.
So, where do I start then? Do I buy a domain or set up a subdomain? Anyone wanna point me in the right direction?
I may not be a sysadmin wizard but I'll help all I can to set up and run...
Are you aware that there is an Essex Linux User Group (ELUG) in existence?
It does have a web site at http://www.epos.demon.co.uk and I am still actually subscribed, I think, to the mailing list. The web site doesn't appear to have been updated since 1997 and the mailing list has been dead since 2001.
I did post about this to the ALUG list at the beginning of July but it seems to have gone largely unnoticed.
I don't know where you are geographically but I am near Tiptree. I may be able to offer some help. You can either email me or telephone on 01621 816561.
Barry Samuels http://www.beenthere-donethat.org.uk The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain
Steve here actually - yes was aware of the one in Essex - I contacted the guy who ran it about a year back and he said it was now defunct.
So I'm starting up a group for Essex/the East which is not covered by the rest - mainly Chelmsford and surrounding areas (Brentwood, Braintree, etc.)
Until I get the site up then happy to collect names if anyone's interested.