Notropis rubellus of the Thames, We are near to mid winter and we will celebrate with a token 1 km swim towards our target of the end of the Thames, where ever that may be.
The Thames is in full flood at 144 m^3/s today (Down from 168m^3/slast weekend) and a toasty 4ºC, according to Maidenhead Rowing Club. And the red boards are out for the whole length of the Thames! * **We will assess the conditionsat the weekend and may have to postpone the swim if conditionsarestill toowild. Keep an eye open for updates via OSSOxon, OSSRATS and the OSS Thames Facebook page.* * We'll meet at **Bourne End station car park at 11:00am on Sunday 9 December:** ** ***
This will cost £2 for all day but is as near to our exit point as possible. We'll appreciate this when we get out.
To warm up we'll walk down to the river and then along the Thames path to Spade Oak, where we got out last time. This will be familiar to those who have been on the two previous Thamesswims.
We'll jump/ tip toe cautiously in to the riverhere:
and swim about a 1km down to the railway bridge and exit on theright past therailway bridge immediately past a gate on the footpath - don't forget to butterflyunder the bridge! - just here:
Next we'll cross over the river on the railway bridgefootpath and back to the station car park to get changed.
Ann Chance will kindly be hosting refreshments at her house - directions handed out on the day. Big Thanks to Ann.
Jeremy and Sef and the Percina shumardi of the Thames
OSS Oxon mailing list:
By joining any jolly jaunt with Jeremy and Sef you agree to abide by the Outdoor Swimming Society's Swim Responsibility Statement:
Before signing up to join the OSS or partaking in any swims mentioned on this site or the Outdoor Swimming Society facebook page, please read the OSS swim responsibility statement. By signing up to join the society, or participating in any swims, or using any material on the Wild swim map you confirm that you have read and understand the OSS swim responsibility statement and accept its terms.
Unfortunately I'm postponing this Sunday's swim till the river conditions improve. The flow at Maidenhead has been above the 140m^3 for several weeks and shows no sign of slowing in the next couple of days. This is well above my 100m^3 max rule of thumb and local spies have confirmed the conditions as too severe. I'll create a new event once the conditions improve but given peeps likely Christmas plans this will probably be in the New Year.
On 02/12/2012 21:54, Jeremy Wellingham wrote:
Notropis rubellus of the Thames, We are near to mid winter and we will celebrate with a token 1 km swim towards our target of the end of the Thames, where ever that may be.
The Thames is in full flood at 144 m^3/s today (Down from 168m^3/slast weekend) and a toasty 4ºC, according to Maidenhead Rowing Club. And the red boards are out for the whole length of the Thames!
**We will assess the conditionsat the weekend and may have to postpone the swim if conditionsarestill toowild. Keep an eye open for updates via OSSOxon, OSSRATS and the OSS Thames Facebook page.*
We'll meet at **Bourne End station car park at 11:00am on Sunday 9 December:** ** ***
This will cost £2 for all day but is as near to our exit point as possible. We'll appreciate this when we get out.
To warm up we'll walk down to the river and then along the Thames path to Spade Oak, where we got out last time. This will be familiar to those who have been on the two previous Thamesswims.
We'll jump/ tip toe cautiously in to the riverhere:
and swim about a 1km down to the railway bridge and exit on theright past therailway bridge immediately past a gate on the footpath - don't forget to butterflyunder the bridge! - just here:
Next we'll cross over the river on the railway bridgefootpath and back to the station car park to get changed.
Ann Chance will kindly be hosting refreshments at her house - directions handed out on the day. Big Thanks to Ann.
Jeremy and Sef and the Percina shumardi of the Thames
OSS Oxon mailing list:
By joining any jolly jaunt with Jeremy and Sef you agree to abide by the Outdoor Swimming Society's Swim Responsibility Statement:
Before signing up to join the OSS or partaking in any swims mentioned on this site or the Outdoor Swimming Society facebook page, please read the OSS swim responsibility statement. By signing up to join the society, or participating in any swims, or using any material on the Wild swim map you confirm that you have read and understand the OSS swim responsibility statement and accept its terms.