Hi Gang,
Great effort this weekend everyone. Thanks to all who helped to make it so
special! I'm about ready for bed!
Distance travelled today: 5.08 and 5.30km
Total distance travelled: 63.41km
Distance travelled since Cricklade: 43.04 km
Distance remaining to Teddington Lock: 174.96 km
Distance remaining to Sea Reach No1 Buoy: 280.59 km
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Just when you thought life couldn't get any better, another Swim the Thames
The August Bank Holiday offers the chance to accelerate our splendid
progress towards Seareach Buoy No. 1.
We will be swimming on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th, and camping overnight
if you'd like at Northmoor Lock.
*Swim 10: Saturday 27th August
*Meet *9.30am *at Northmoor Lock if you're camping so we can pitch up before
we swim. If that's a bit early - you can always sling the guy ropes later
If you're not camping, or just late, meet at *11.00am* at the Rose Revived
Inn at Newbridge. Those of us camping will walk or shuttle up to meet
non-campers at the pub.
We'll then shuttle up to Shifford Lock, and swim down. It is the bank
holiday and the river is likely to be busy so we will *try* and be prompt
with this timing, and then keep a weather eye for merry boaters.
This swim is equivalent to 20 and 21 from *I Love the Thames* and will come
in at a weighty 5.2km. (*Stop press! Neil has measured this at 4.25.)* We
will 'land' at the Rose Revived for a hearty feed. Those camping can then
head back to Northmoor Lock and low-key barbecuing may follow.
*Swim 11: Sunday 28th August
*Meet at 10.30am at the Rose Revived. Those camping can walk up from the
campsite (exit point), and those not camping can be shuttled back to the pub
afterwards by campers.
This swim is equivalent to 22 and 23 from *I Love the Thames* and will be a
sweet relief for veterans of the Saturday swim - a mere 3.2km *(3.45km by
Neil's calculations)*.
If you would like to camp, please let me (Sef) know as soon as possible* so
I can reserve us pitches at the campsite. It is another rudimentary lock
campsite, but there are showers at the weir. They also have caravan
hook-ups. Standard pitches are 15 pounds for 2 adults, a tent (or caravan,
or Bertie) and a car. There are such things as mini-pitches at 6 pounds if
it is just you and no car.
Or for those seeking a more plush environment, try these campsites which are
nearby (and have caravan hook-ups).
If you haven't joined any 'swim the Thames' swims thus far, come along for
Saturday or Sunday - there's still 280km to go to the Nore!
Yours truly, always available to give watery help,
Jeremy and Sef and the tenacious tadpoles of the Thames.
*OSS swim responsibility statement:*
* *
By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and have read and
accepted the OSS swim responsibility statement:
All swimmers swim at their own risk.
We have decided, rather at the last minute, to make the weekend of
Saturday 13th / Sunday 14th August a two swim weekend with optional
camping on Saturday night at The Swan at Radcot, where we met for Swim
#7. This gives everyone a number of possibilities:
*Saturday 13th August* - Swim #8 Radcot Lock to Tadpole Bridge (4.9km)
*Sunday 14th August* - Swim #9 Tadpole Bridge to Tenfoot Bridge (2.8km)
or Shifford Lock (5.6km), depending on how we feel.
*Or both swim #8 and swim #9* - Either camping overnight or going home,
to a hot bath and a soft bed, and returning on Sunday morning.
* *
*If you would like to camp, please let me (e-mail: jeremy(a)wellingham.com
<mailto:jeremy@wellingham.com>) know by reply, ASAP so that I can tell
The Swan how many of us to expect. The cost will be £5 per tent with no
limit to occupancy but I guessing a marquee may be pushing it. So buddy
up, get to know each other and save money! Camper vans are £8 (Sorry
If you are intending to camp we'll be meeting on Saturday 13th August at
10:30am at The Swan campsite on the island at Radcot to pitch our tents,
marked by the green arrow:
http://maps.google.co.uk/m aps?q=51.69311%2C-1.588181
&hl=en&sll=51.695453%2C-1. 590648&sspn=0.013833%2C0.0
If you are intending just to swim on Saturday 13^th August meet up at
The Swan campsite, above, at 12:00 midday.
We'll first shuttle a few cars down to Tadpole Bridge to bring us back
to Radcot at the end of the swim. Then we stroll down to Radcot lock to
start the swim.(About a 1.6km walk or a mile, in old money.) We'll get
out at Tadpole Bridge, pick up the cars and drive back to Radcot. We can
then have a drink at The Swan opposite the campsite before setting up a
Barbeque for supper. Bring food and drink for yourself/and/or to share.
It's a full moon so, if we can stay awake, a midnight dip will round off
the day. This is a combination of swims 15, 16 and 17 from Michael
Worthington’s /I Love the Thames/ and a distance of 4.9km.
Meet up at The Swan at Radcot campsite, on the island, at 10:30am Sunday
14th August:
http://maps.google.co.uk/m aps?q=51.69311%2C-1.588181
&hl=en&sll=51.695453%2C-1. 590648&sspn=0.013833%2C0.0
We will shuttle down to Tadpole Bridge in cars and swim down to Tenfoot
Bridge (2.8km) and walk back to Tadpole Bridge and the cars. Or if we
decide on going the full distance to Shifford Lock (5.6km) we will also
shuttle some cars down to Duxford which is the nearest road access to
Shifford Lock. We can then go back to eat in the Trout at Tadpole
bridge (Posh pub) or The Swan at Radcot (Not so Posh). (I'll check out
menus ahead of time.) This is equivalent to equivalent to swims 18 & 19
from Michael Worthington’s /I Love the Thames/ and a distance of 5.6km.
(or 2.8km if we decide to call it a day at Tenfoot Bridge.)
Both these swims are reasonably long so bring wetsuits and rubber feet
(and socks and gloves if you get cold). There will be breaks at
predetermined points.
The Swan at Radcot:
The Trout at Tadpole Bridge:
*OSS swim responsibility statement:*
* *
By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and have read
and accepted the OSS swim responsibility statement:
imming_tips&s=responsibili ty
All swimmers swim at their own risk.
Jeremy and Sef and the Mermaids and Merman of Team Thames
e-mail: Oxford(a)outdoorswimmingsociety.com