Discussion of outdoor swimming around Reading and the nearby Thames Valley
This is a mailing list This list is for discussion of swimming in outdoor water around Reading and the nearby Thames Valley, linked to the Outdoor Swimming Society.
Please use this mailing list carefully. It is not intended to be used for non-swimming messages, and if messages which are too far off topic are posted you may be asked to get back on topic again to avoid clogging up members' inboxes. The intention is that the list be relatively low traffic, carrying news from the group coordinators and announcements of swim plans from group members.
Please note that OSS RATS exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.
To contact the list owners, use the following email address:
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