Hi Helen,
I swim in the Thames near Reading.
I have never actually met up with any OSSRATS, but would be really keen to.
It would be fun, I would meet like minded folks and it would be good to share/hear stories/learn from experiences.
I intend to try out the Tri20 Lake, near Madjeski Stadium this morning.
Yesterday I went for a swim near Tilehurst (around appletree and poplar islands) and I received a:
Slightly aggressive "Wot you doing!" from someone in a boat.
Received criticism from a swarm of canoists for not having a bouy attached to me
Then on return my girlfriend tells me someone was saying I shouldn't be swimming in the Thames: weils disease etc
I will try to have emails from this address forwarded to my other email account so I can respond more reliably.
Look forward to hearing form you
From: OSSRATS <ossrats-bounces(a)earth.li> on behalf of ossrats-request(a)earth.li <ossrats-request(a)earth.li>
Sent: 24 June 2016 11:00
To: ossrats(a)earth.li
Subject: OSSRATS Digest, Vol 36, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:
1. hi all (Helen Roche)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 16:17:13 +0100
From: Helen Roche <helen(a)theskyisblue.net>
To: OSSRATS(a)earth.li
Subject: [OSS RATS] hi all
Message-ID: <2E078D11-291B-45BF-A52A-E1220ECA3FB0(a)theskyisblue.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
I've been out of the loop - is this email group still functioning?
I'm in Reading and would love to get swimming again. Anything going on?
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End of OSSRATS Digest, Vol 36, Issue 1