Bear with me this could be a long email. As you know I have a ThinkPad 240X. It dual boots XP and Linux.
I originally had Linux Mint on this ThinkPad as it was already installed on a hard drive, but it had graphical glitches.
So I installed XP and then put Linux Mint LXDE on it, via removing the hard drive and installing it in another machine with an optical drive.
With the hard drive back in the ThinkPad, Mint would boot properly with all sorts of errors.
So I took the drive out and put it back in the other laptop and installed Ubuntu 10 using the alternative installer. I put it back in the ThinkPad and it booted perfectly and ran lovely, albiet slowly.
So I thought lets try Xubuntu as it is a bit less resource hungry. So once again I took out the hard drive, popped it in my other laptop and installed Xubuntu 9.10 via regular cd. Once done, I took out the hard drive and stuck it back in the ThinkPad.
It worked, took a while to boot and has some graphical glitches, such as repeating window icons (like maximise, close etc). I am assuming this is a driver issue. I had the same problem with Mint, but not Ubuntu.
Any ideas how I can get round this annoying graphics glitch.
I am currently updating Xubuntu to 10.04 (which is going to take about 5 hours apparently) to see if that helps as I got the graphics problems in both Mint and Xubuntu which are buntu 9 based, yet Ubuntu 10 didnt have this problem.
Will running the updater update system drivers too?
PS. Where is the System Profiler in Xubuntu?
--- http://twitter.com/SimonRoyal - http://tinyurl.com/macspectrum. (Sent using Sony Ericsson P990i).