Calling Team Thames, Calling Team Thames
/Details of Swim #6 in OSS Oxon and Reading's Swim the Thames event series.
Buscot to Grafton Lock - Sunday 17 July 10:30 - 15:00
We have emerged from the swan and weed infested Upper Thames and are now firmly in the Middle Thames and adjusting to being out of our depth and swimming properly. Boats have replaced swans as the threat to our continuing journey downstream to Teddington and beyond.
Meeting up at the visitors car park at Buscot which is within a few hundred yards / metres walk of Buscot lock at 10:30 am on Sunday 17th July 2011. Marked with a green arrow:,-1.667587&hl=en&ll=51.6780...,-1.667587&hl=en&ll=51.678037,-1.666918&spn=0.042311,0.077162&sll=51.67598,-1.667078&sspn=0.027681,0.06403&num=1&t=h&z=14
We will take a couple of cars, with clothes to change into after the swim, to Kelmscott - which is about half way between Buscot and Grafton lock. (Access to Grafton lock by road is problematic.)
We are swimming from Buscot Lock to Grafton Lock, a distance of about 5.4km, passing Kelmscott on the way. The river is, supposedly, fast flowing along this stretch so it won't feel as far as it sounds. There is also the option to break the swim at Kelmscott, where a couple of cars are, if we are feeling weary. When we arrive at Grafton Lock we will walk back to Kelmscott and lunch at The Plough in Kelmscott. We can then shuttle back to the car park at Buscot. There is a Tea Garden at Buscot in case anyone is still hungry after lunch!
We may also be able to schedule a visit to Williams Morris''s Kelsmcott Manor, depending on opening times.
Hope to see some of you at the Oxford Big Jump this Sunday
/By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and have read and accepted the OSS swim responsibility statement:
All swimmers swim at their own risk.
Jeremy and Sef and the serene swans of Team Thames
From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Wellingham Sent: 04 July 2011 22:42 To:; Subject: [OSS Oxon] Swim #6 of OSS Swim the Thames - Buscot to Grafton Lock - Sun17Jul11@10:30
We are swimming from Buscot Lock to Grafton Lock, a distance of about 5.4km, passing Kelmscott on the way. The river is, supposedly, fast flowing along this stretch so it won't feel as far as it sounds.
We were in on Sunday (up towards Pinkhill Lock). There was no current. Unless you get a lot of rain, it might be a longer swim than you expect.
I hope to be there on the 17th if I'm back from Cornwall in time. Unfortunately the dates of the previous Thames swims (or paddles) weren't possible for me. Nick
On 5 July 2011 16:47, James Lowe wrote:
From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Wellingham Sent: 04 July 2011 22:42 To:; Subject: [OSS Oxon] Swim #6 of OSS Swim the Thames - Buscot to Grafton Lock
- Sun17Jul11@10:30
We are swimming from Buscot Lock to Grafton Lock, a distance of about 5.4km, passing Kelmscott on the way. The river is, supposedly, fast flowing along this stretch so it won't feel as far as it sounds.
We were in on Sunday (up towards Pinkhill Lock). There was no current. Unless you get a lot of rain, it might be a longer swim than you expect.
OSS RATS mailing list
Please note that OSS RATS exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.
me neither - and supposed to be doing the Bournemouth Pier-Pier swim on 17 July. Hopefully will make it one weekend before long though (August?!?)
From: [] On Behalf Of Nick Toeman Sent: 05 July 2011 19:27 To: James Lowe Cc:; Subject: Re: [OSS Oxon] [OSS RATS] Swim #6 of OSS Swim the Thames - Buscot to Grafton Lock - Sun17Jul11@10:30
I hope to be there on the 17th if I'm back from Cornwall in time. Unfortunately the dates of the previous Thames swims (or paddles) weren't possible for me. Nick
On 5 July 2011 16:47, James Lowe wrote:
Hello, -------------- From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremy Wellingham Sent: 04 July 2011 22:42 To:; Subject: [OSS Oxon] Swim #6 of OSS Swim the Thames - Buscot to Grafton Lock - Sun17Jul11@10:30 --snip--
We are swimming from Buscot Lock to Grafton Lock, a distance of about 5.4km, passing Kelmscott on the way. The river is, supposedly, fast flowing along this stretch so it won't feel as far as it sounds. --snip-- We were in on Sunday (up towards Pinkhill Lock). There was no current. Unless you get a lot of rain, it might be a longer swim than you expect. James ______________________________________________ OSS RATS mailing list Please note that OSS RATS exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.
JeremyI will join you on Sunday at 10.30am. Having put in some effort this week I have completed swims 2, 3 and 4 and will do swim 5 tomorrow morning.For the interest of anyone else looking to catch up I found swims 2 and 3 quite feasible in one day as a great proportion is wading. Swim 4 (Hannington to Inglesham- is however a long lonely jump, with no access from the banks for any back-up and the start of the deep water river - I was pretty finished by the time I reached the end, and a welcome drink where the Thames path rejoins the river.Look forward to seeing you Sunday morning. Peter
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 22:42:12 +0100 From: To:; Subject: [OSS Oxon] Swim #6 of OSS Swim the Thames - Buscot to Grafton Lock - Sun17Jul11@10:30
Calling Team Thames, Calling Team Thames
Details of Swim #6 in OSS Oxon and Reading's Swim the Thames event series.
Buscot to Grafton Lock - Sunday 17 July 10:30 - 15:00
We have emerged from the swan and weed infested Upper Thames and are now firmly in the Middle Thames and adjusting to being out of our depth and swimming properly. Boats have replaced swans as the threat to our continuing journey downstream to Teddington and beyond.
Meeting up at the visitors car park at Buscot which is within a few hundred yards / metres walk of Buscot lock at 10:30 am on Sunday 17th July 2011. Marked with a green arrow:,-1.667587&hl=en&ll=51.6780...
We will take a couple of cars, with clothes to change into after the swim, to Kelmscott - which is about half way between Buscot and Grafton lock. (Access to Grafton lock by road is problematic.)
We are swimming from Buscot Lock to Grafton Lock, a distance of about 5.4km, passing Kelmscott on the way. The river is, supposedly, fast flowing along this stretch so it won't feel as far as it sounds. There is also the option to break the swim at Kelmscott, where a couple of cars are, if we are feeling weary. When we arrive at Grafton Lock we will walk back to Kelmscott and lunch at The Plough in Kelmscott. We can then shuttle back to the car park at Buscot. There is a Tea Garden at Buscot in case anyone is still hungry after lunch!
We may also be able to schedule a visit to Williams Morris''s Kelsmcott Manor, depending on opening times.
Hope to see some of you at the Oxford Big Jump this Sunday
By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and have read and accepted the OSS swim responsibility statement:
All swimmers swim at their own risk.
Jeremy and Sef and the serene swans of Team Thames
_______________________________________________ OSS Oxon mailing list
Please note that OSS Oxon exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.
Anyone interested in a catch-up swim this weekend - Hannington Bridge to Inglesham? Could probably do either day.
Regards Andrew
Likewise, anyone who missed Buscot Lock to Grafton Lock - Chris & I will be doing this on Sunday...
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Andrew Sansum andrewsansum@pobox.comwrote:
Anyone interested in a catch-up swim this weekend - Hannington Bridge to Inglesham? Could probably do either day.
Regards Andrew _______________________________________________ OSS Oxon mailing list
Please note that OSS Oxon exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.
Water has been noticeably cooler since the rains. Still not much current though.
)-----Original Message----- )From: [] On )Behalf Of Sefryn Penrose )Sent: 21 July 2011 12:44 )To: Andrew Sansum )Cc: OSS Oxon; )Subject: Re: [OSS Oxon] Another Swim #3 of OSS Swim the Thames - )Hannington Bridge to Inglesham ) )Likewise, anyone who missed Buscot Lock to Grafton Lock - Chris & I will )be doing this on Sunday... ) ) ) ) )On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Andrew Sansum ) wrote: ) ) ) Anyone interested in a catch-up swim this weekend - Hannington )Bridge to Inglesham? ) Could probably do either day. ) ) Regards ) Andrew ) _______________________________________________ ) OSS Oxon mailing list ) ) ) ) Please note that OSS Oxon exists to put swimmers in touch with )other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that )outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you )choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own )initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility. ) )