The nights are drawing in...
The temperature has dropped...
Tis Hallowe'en,
The ghouls are abroad.
There's nothing for it,
But to eat a lot of garlic and take a bracing dip in the Thames eh what?
Meet at 10am this Sunday, the 28th October at Spade Oak, (Spade Oak car park)
We'll then shuttle up to here:
(car park Pound lane / Court Garden) in Marlow adjacent to Higginson park.
We'll get in here, just before the man made quay:
Then we'll swim back down towards Spade Oak / Bourne End and any one of
these exit beaches as they appeal.
They are in the 2.5 – 3k range:
We'll then trundle off to the Bounty where we are booked for lunch.
Mutineers will not be tolerated. A plank will be supplied.
It's going to be cold.
Jeremy and Sef and the black ghost knifefish of the Bounty
OSS Oxon mailing list: OSSOxon(a)
By joining any jolly jaunt with Jeremy and Sef you agree to abide by the
Outdoor Swimming Society's Swim Responsibility Statement:…
Before signing up to join the OSS or partaking in any swims mentioned on
this site or the Outdoor Swimming Society facebook page, please read the OSS
swim responsibility statement. By signing up to join the society, or
participating in any swims, or using any material on the Wild swim map you
confirm that you have read and understand the OSS swim responsibility
statement and accept its terms.
Oyez! Oyez! News of the long-awaited mid-October swim #38.
Citizens of OSS Thames assemble at the car park (Pound lane / Court Garden)
in Marlow adjacent to Higginson park at 10 of the clock, this sabbath day,
Sunday 14th October, the year of our Lord, 2012, for the annual two and
four fifths of a mile swim (4.6 of your French kilometres).
Bring three old florins (or new pounds) for those carriages which will be
stabled here (£3.00 for 6 hours):
Citizens of OSS Thames, change into ceremonial garb and be relaid in
selected chariots, to the Free Car Park of Hurley:
Citizens of OSS Thames process in company to yon Frogmill Spinney, and the
fabled beach with the wooden bench, whereat citizens, plunge!
Citizens of OSS Thames swim to Hurley lock, keeping well to the right on
the way past the weir as is the age-old custom. Thence, onwards to Temple
Lock where loving waterside folk will bestow upon ye the sugared delicacies
known as 'elevenses'.
After Temple Lock, swim to Higginson Park.
But beware citizens, the October chill. Exeunt promptly at earlier points
should the cold set in; at about half way between Temple Lock and the
Higginson Park exit: on the (left) bank afore Bisham Abbey Sailing and
Navigation School which venerable institution sits upon the opposite bank;
Or, a short way on:
Hardy citizens, if thou blubber does permit, the exit at Higginson Park be
Scramble out onto the man made quay, assisted by waterside angels and those
known as 'tri-types'.
Citizens, undress from ceremonial garb revealing glowing and healthy flesh
to passers-by.
Shuttle back to Hurley to retrieve carriages and thence to the *Flower Pot*,
the traditional October hostelry favoured by popular demand.
Then eat, drink, and be merry and warm again.
This notice by decree of
Citizens Wellingham and Penrose and the citizen flathead pygmy stargazers
of Frogmill*
OSS Oxon mailing list: OSSOxon(a)
By joining any jolly jaunt with Jeremy and Sef you agree to abide by the
Outdoor Swimming Society's Swim Responsibility Statement:…
Before signing up to join the OSS or partaking in any swims mentioned on
this site or the Outdoor Swimming Society facebook page, please read
the OSSswim responsibility statement. By signing up to join the
society, or
participating in any swims, or using any material on the Wild swim map you
confirm that you have read and understand the OSS swim responsibility
statement and accept its terms.