*Jeremy the VIII* by the grace of God king of Thaymes, Euenlode, and Chippy Lydo, defender of the faith, in water of the rivers of England and also of Nyle supreme head, unto all his faithful and loving subjects, sendeth greeting. *Shorte versyon* 11am Sun01Sep Roadside parking at Lower Ham Road http://goo.gl/maps/xMo1U Shuffle fewest cars here https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=51.410798,-0.360403&hl=en&ll=51.410... Swim 5.7km to exit http://goo.gl/maps/zniFB Eat lunch at Boater's Inn in same place
*The day was come* (of Sonday September the first) that to the swimminge was assigned and they redy assembled near hampton Court (some thyng byfore the hower of ther appoyntment XI of the cloke by the grace of God) at wiche tyme they did parke of the kynges will at the Lower ham road marked bye the greyn arrow on the chart that they say is free upon the Lordes day
wherfore the Officers caused them to Faff and to Shuffle all couered with fynne clothes of Neopryne in fewe cars to Saddlers Inn carparke a place & parke of the kynges within II or III mylles there
whereupp on at wych tyme they departed to the water and by thir own wyll and consent did swim for V.VII kylometyres wych had nt yet been inveynted.
Wyth some vaughtyng & leapyng as butterflyies they meryly swam besyde the kynges grayt palace of hampton Court until the tyme of Supper came on. Than was the bankettyng at the bank furnysshed for thentertaynment of thes estrayngers by Charles and Angeyla, noblest persones beyng then in the Court.
They retorned agayn to water And euery of them conveyed to Kingston Bridge and somme D metrys beyonde vntill ther caym upp on Kingston Boat House whence they did exeunt and dress in such fynneries as were geve to them by the kynge fynne lynnen clothes of dammaske worke swetly perfumed and so replenysshed did they reach the Boater's Inne where there was sett tables full of gilt plate very somptious & all other thynges necessary for the furnyture of a noble feast And oon pott at the least with wyne & beare.
Then after somme false Mrs Wellinghams thir dispetche for entertaynment. Cars weyre fetched and the Swimmers roode forthe on theyre Iourney
I beseche thee joyn yor mery frendes this daye for soun our Iourney be compleat. Spede well I toke my leayve.
Lady Seffryne And Cardynall ffishe of Hampton Court our humbleste thankes too Neopryne Ninja and Lord Hywell