Yes, it's that time of year again!
July 10th is Europe's Big Jump. Across the continent, swimmers, splashers and paddlers will be leaping, plunging, slipping or stepping into the waters all at the same time in the project's quest to 'reconcile people with their rivers' and 'revive the powerful links that bind us to these spaces'.
Last year at Port Meadow, around 20 of us plunged into the Isis from the footbridge at Fiddler's Island, picking up a few stragglers on the way, and became part of this European freshwater wave. It was a beautiful hot day in a perfect place, and since you can't beat perfect, we will be jumping in again in the same place.
Meet at Walton Well Car Park, off Walton Well Road at the edge of Port Meadow (see blue arrow) at 1.15pm to jump in at 2pm.
Bring food and drink for yourselves and/or to share for a picnic afterwards. We will have a barbecue for anyone who wants to have something warm and charred. And for those wanting more of a swim, this is the perfect stretch - trot upriver your required distance and swim back down. There will be plenty of companions.
See you there,
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