Dear Fellow OSSers
I have been skulking about watching all this correspondence with interest but unfortunately, can't make either the exploratory swim or the big jump - GOOD LUCK everyone and I hope you have a good time. Thank you James for organising. I am going to help Kate at the silent swim on 17th July so may see some of you there.
I have been told about an outdoor swimming lake in Little Marlow where they run a try a professional wetsuit rental scheme for £5 and it is £5 to swim in the lake (with safety supervision etc and lessons available). I am planning to go one Monday soon - it starts at 5 p.m. but I may go a little later. As I haven't got a wetsuit this seems like a good idea to try one for size first. Does anyone want to join me and have a lift to Little Marlow one Monday evening soon. I work very near Oxford so can pick from there and nearby.
the website is h t t p://w w water swim. co. uk /
Best wishes
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