Thames swimmers and Oxon folk,
I've set up a Facebook group for OSS Swim the Thames. For some time distributing events through the main OSS page has been inhibited by some gremlins which mean that not all invitees can contribute and making the events outside the OSS has meant they are lost in the ether. The group will mean that all the events will be in the same place and everyone who is a member of the group will get a notification of the event. If this doesn't happen, check that you have enabled the 'notifications' button.
I have added 45 members already through my Facebook account. If you aren't one of these and would like to be (or vv), my apologies, it's not the most user-friendly system. However, it's an open group so you can add/remove yourself and add other members:
This is the simplest way to resolve a few Facebook niggling issues and will mean all the info and events are in one place. Photos can also be uploaded to the group. Invites will also continue to be sent out through email too.