We Swam Kelmscott to Grafton lock yesterday (River Thames) with a few friends and walking back, bumped into another group of swimmers.
For those that know who these were (or if that is you) - Shifford Lock (at Chimney Meadows) to Newbridge was the swim one of us shouted at you from the bank.
This gives you the complete swim ...we did one weekend (with Lunch in between).
It is about 1.5 to 2 hours swim at a gentle pace and if you make it a Sunday swim you can book ahead for a post Sunday Lunch when you finish. Makes it less of a bind for those that are drivers and not swimmers as they can wait in the pub.
It's a relatively remote swim in terms of civilization, so if you go make sure you can swim for that period of time or don't mind dragging yourself out and walking along the path. Oh and if you haven't been, the Rose Revived Pub is better than the Maybush Pub (Maytime?) which are on either side of the bridge.
You can get out before or after the bridge very easily.
Dear all
Have I missed any messages? The last I had was in September from James.
Happy swimming and hope to see some of you soon.
No I don't think so. There might have been one from Sefryn about a mid-winter solstice swim, but otherwise after October it's been relatively quiet.
-----Original Message----- From: Pam pamjones@btinternet.com Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 17:40:21 +0000 To: OSS Oxon ossoxon@earth.li Subject: [OSS Oxon] Re OSSoxon events
Dear all
Have I missed any messages? The last I had was in September from James.
Happy swimming and hope to see some of you soon.
OSS Oxon mailing list OSSOxon@earth.li http://www.earth.li/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ossoxon
Please note that OSS Oxon exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.
Those few months have been quite quite swim-wise for the last few years too!
I'm now settling in to the new house, finished various projects that took up my time last year, and starting to think about getting myself down to the river more. I'll sit down and work through my diary tonight and might see about going for a swim this weekend somewhere if time allows.
I hear the Eight Bells at Eaton has a particularly good log fire going at the moment :-)
James Lowe wrote:
No I don't think so. There might have been one from Sefryn about a mid-winter solstice swim, but otherwise after October it's been relatively quiet.
-----Original Message----- From: Pam pamjones@btinternet.com Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 17:40:21 +0000 To: OSS Oxon ossoxon@earth.li Subject: [OSS Oxon] Re OSSoxon events
Dear all
Have I missed any messages? The last I had was in September from James.
Happy swimming and hope to see some of you soon.
OSS Oxon mailing list OSSOxon@earth.li http://www.earth.li/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ossoxon
Please note that OSS Oxon exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.
OSS Oxon mailing list OSSOxon@earth.li http://www.earth.li/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ossoxon
Please note that OSS Oxon exists to put swimmers in touch with other swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.