Hi All,
Now summer is (stutteringly) getting going it’s time to swim in the dark! Thursday 2nd August is the Full Moon with moonrise at a sensible 8:28pm and sunset at 8:46pm. As the weather forecast for Thursday is, erm, variable I suggest we plan to be flexible. We should meet at the layby on Henley Road to the south-east of Dorchester:
in plenty of time to set off to the little beach at 8pm. If the weather is nice then we should have plenty of time for a picnic before dark. If not we can just get on with the swimming. As is usual for these occasions, I suggest we set off upstream and everyone can return to the beach in their own time.
OSS swim responsibility statement:
By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and have read and accepted the OSS swim responsibility statement:
http://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/index.php?p=swimming_tips <http://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com/index.php?p=swimming_tips&s=responsib…> &s=responsibili ty
All swimmers swim at their own risk.