Dear Jubilee Junebugs,
On the Spring/Jubilee bank holidays, we will have two swims, on Monday and
Tuesday, with an overnight stay near Wallingford on Monday night. All are
welcome, to one, both and/or the camp. Please let me know re: camping so I
have an idea of numbers. We will be barbecuing on Monday night, so do bring
food and drink for yourselves and/or to share.
At this stage, I am not sure of facilities - the campsite is not a
commercial campsite but one just for us that Jeremy has staked out so,
although not 'wild' per se, it may well be 'wild' when it comes to some of
the finer comforts. Be prepared! The campsite is on the river and we hope -
weather and access permitting - to have an evening dip/midnight swim.
Adam has heroically staked out this swim - no mean feat as there will be a
few tricksy road closures over the weekend which will require your full
attention. Adam's skeleton plan for the whole weekend is below and he will
supply us with faff and shuttle details on arrival. There is likely to be
some walking. The river may also still be fast flowing and there are likely
to be many boatists out and about, so extreme 'elf 'n' safety rules may
still apply.
If you are unable to come for the swim on Monday but would like to camp,
let me know and I will send details of time and directions to meet us as we
go to pitch camp, or come along later...
Can I emphasise at this point that the Clifton Hampden bridge will be
closed, so parking is in the village on the left/north bank, NOT in the
carpark by the Barley Mow.
Swim 25: Culham Lock to Clifton Lock (approx. 4.4km)
Swim 26: Clifton Lock to Day's Lock (approx 4.9km)
The bad news: they're both quite long.
The good news: that's more or less one Dart 10km over a weekend to burn off
any Jubilee cupcakes.
These swims are equivalent to Michael Worthington's swim 35 Culham Lock to
Clifton Lock and swim 36 Clifton Lock to Day's Lock, in *I ♥ the Thames.*
We have missed a few old friends of late, so it would be lovely to have you
back this weekend dear chums. Also if anyone needs lifts etc. beyond the
normal, do let me know as we can bear it in mind in the planning stages....
Many thanks Adam for your footwork and council highways department
Jeremy & Sef and the Climbing Perch of Clifton Hampden
OSS swim responsibility statement:
By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and have read and
accepted the OSS swim responsibility statement:…
All swimmers swim at their own risk.
- OMG Your tour guide is Adam! ;-) 07900 403240
- NB Clifton Hampden bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic for the
duration of the BH w/e and beyond.
- NB Long Wittenham High St is closed on Monday (10:00-18:00), due to a
street party.
- So, basically, to keep it simple, standard taxi driver advice will
- DO NOT GO SOUTH OF THE RIVER !!! (not in a vehicle, anyway).
- Monday 04 Jun 2012 10:30: Culham Lock car park (same initial meeting
point as for last swim on 19 May 12) (
- Tuesday 05 Jun 2012 10:30: Clifton Hampden main village (North of
River), parking by the Church (
- Monday 04 Jun 2012: Culham Lock to Clifton Lock.
- Tuesday 05 Jun 2012: Clifton Lock to Day's Lock.
- Both days 14:00: Barley Mow pub in Clifton Hampden (South of River; ie
on the "cut off" side).
- NB We will be walking over the bridge from / to the main village on
both days. (Pedestrians are allowed.)
- Campsite is booked.
- Arrangement is that we will all arrive together on Monday afternoon,
ie no pre-pitching on Monday morning.
- So details and directions will be supplied at pub over lunch on Monday.
- Just bring a tent. ;-)