PSA: OpenPGP key updated in Debian keyring
onak 0.6.3 released
onak 0.6.2 released
onak 0.6.1 released
Life with a Yubikey
GnuK on the Maple Mini
New GPG key
Programming the FST-01 (gnuk) with a Bus Pirate + OpenOCD
Automatic inline signing for mutt with RT
Revoked: 0xF1BD4BE45B430367 (1024D key)
SVG::TT::Graph::TimeSeries and the Debian keyring
A minor keyring-maint rant
onak 0.4.0 released
Out, damn'd PGP v3
Meta: Rant about rants about PGP keysigning problems
Breaking the Web of Trust
Shrinking the keyring
I'm totally Rick Moranis
onak: not dead, just resting
There's no point signing email with an unpublished PGP key.
I am the keymaster
New GPG key