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Crossword 1 - March 2016

This is the first crossword I set. Reading it back now having set more it is quite clunky and I would definitely change some clues but I've left it as is for posterity. Sorry :-/

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Please do give me feedback via on mastodon or email if you hate it, like it, dislike a particular clue etc. I'm very interested in what people think so I can try and improve.

4,20 Foreigner: not foreign taste but foreign food. (6,6) DANISH PASTRY DANISH [foreigner - see even here that's loose as foreign would work better] PAS [not foreign - not in French] TRY [taste]
9 Starts fainting at my enormous popularity (4) FAME Starts of Fainting At My Enormous
10 Lean towards rhythms: measure inclination with a couple of these (10) TILTMETERS TILT [lean towards] METERS [rhythm of peotry]
11,1, 7d I'll hoof RHS protestor out of musical (6,4,2,7) LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (I'LL HOOF RHS PROTESTOR)* An anagram [out] of all the first four words for the world's best musical
12 Ignore balls glance (8) OVERLOOK OVER [balls in cricket] LOOK [glance]
13 Ban paid writer? (9) PROSCRIBE PRO-SCRIBE [paid writer]
15 Vegetable arguments left out (4) PEAS P(l)EAS [Pleas without L for left] Again this is a bit clumsy cluing with the definition of vegetable. Should that be plural?
16 Tore spread (4) RENT Double definition. I'm happy with the first definition. Rend can mean split/spread so spread is sort of ok but a bit tenuous. Sorry.
17 Goes parp parp, perhaps? TOADSTOOL Cryptic definition. Toad goes parp parp in Wind in the Willows or his car does so perhaps his tools do? Again I think I had half an idea and then committed to it and didn't edit enough before I published here.
21 Chieftain sent volunteer round French river with companion (8) TOISEACH TA [member of the territorial army; a volunteer] around OISE [French river] CH [companion of honour] for an obscure chieftain that I thought was the Irish leader. I was scrabbling for words to fit the grid I think.
22 Dinghy trip round Spanish port (6) ZODIAC (CADIZ O)* Again not a very good clue. CADIZ is a Spanish port and O is round using trip as an anagram indicator but this could definitely be improved.
24 Plant chemical found on short mower, perhaps in street legend read back (10) SITOSTEROL SIT O(n) [SIT ON mower shortened by a letter] ST [street] EROL [LORE legend backwards]. The mower is a bit obscure here and I don't know why I have "in" in the clue. And the chemical is obscure ;)
25 Hard song for a lock (4) HAIR H [hard] AIR [song]
26 Mrs Snell types last play with doctor cast in bad act returning (6) NIMBYS Y [last play] MB [doctor] as an anagram [cast] in NIS [SIN backwards]. I think I might be slightly maligning Lynda Snell here for those that advocate Not In My Back Yard
27 Neighbour having little joy in a blast (6) ADJOIN JO [litle JOY] in A DIN [a blast]
1 More wobbly as hiker upset (7) SHAKIER (AS HIKER)* An anagram [upset] of AS HIKER
2 Past time to be open (5) OVERT OVER [past] T [time]
3 Last longer in Tyne? Quite the opposite! (7) OUTWEAR Cryptic definition. I'm not sure the Wear is really the opposite of the Tyne but that's where I was going. Outwear is a contronym which also helps the opposite meaning.
5 Services raise million pounds (6) ARMIES (RAISE M)* An anagram [pounds] of RAISE M [millions]. Slightly dubious definition again as the army is a service like the RAF or navy but I'm not convinced it works as a plural.
6 Grasp one point to tell court with last judge (9) INTELLECT I [one] N [point] TELL [tell] E [last judge] CT [court] but there isn't anything to tell you to put the E before the CT and intellect as a synonym for one's grasp of something is a little stretched too.
8 Bound by an oath to gore siblings (5,8) BLOOD BROTHERS BLOOD [gore] BROTHERS [siblings]
14 Planes first mayday about hill makes flying difficult (9) SANDSTORM SANDS [planes] M [first Mayday] all around TOR [hill]. I quite like this one for a change!
16 Scot we hear arrived on horse first from an island (7) RHODIAN IAN [Scot's name common in crosswords if not the Scots I've met] RHOD [sounds like rode - arrived on horse which goes first]
18 Blinded when camouflage painted on (7) DAZZLED Double definition with a reference to dazzle camouflage
19 Standing perhaps eggs on into frenzy (7) OVATION OVA [eggs] TION (INTO)* An anagram [frenzy] of INTO
23 Homer's regret and son's greeting in wrestling place (5) DOHYO DOH [Homer Simpson's regret] YO [Bart Simpson's greeting]