More Yak Shaving: Moving to nftables to secure Home Assistant

When I setup Home Assistant last year one of my niggles was that it wanted an entire subdomain, rather than being able to live under a subdirectory. I had a desire to stick various things behind a single SSL host on my home network (my UniFi controller is the other main one), rather than having to mess about with either SSL proxies in every container running a service, or a bunch of separate host names (in particular one for the backend and one for the SSL certificate, for each service) in order to proxy in a single host.

I’ve recently done some reorganisation of my network, including building a new house server (which I’ll get round to posting about eventually) and decided to rethink the whole SSL access thing. As a starting point I had:

  • Services living in their own containers
  • Another container already running Apache, with SSL enabled + a valid external Let’s Encrypt certificate

And I wanted:

  • SSL access to various services on the local network
  • Not to have to run multiple copies of Apache (or any other TLS proxy)
  • Valid SSL certs that would validate correctly on browsers without kludges
  • Not to have to have things like hass-host as the front end name and hass-backend-host as the actual container name.

It dawned on me that all access to the services was already being directed through the server itself, so there was a natural redirection point. I hatched a plan to do a port level redirect there, sending all HTTPS traffic to the service containers to the container running Apache. It would then be possible to limit access to the services (e.g. port 8123 for Home Assistant) to the Apache host, tightening up access, and the actual SSL certificate would have the service name in it.

First step was to figure out how to do the appropriate redirection. I was reasonably sure this would involve some sort of DNAT in iptables, but I couldn’t find a clear indication that it was possible (there was a lot of discussion about how you also ended up needing SNAT, and I needed multiple redirections to 443 on the Apache container, so that wasn’t going to fly). Having now solved the problem I think iptables could have done it just fine, but I ended up being steered down the nftables route. This is long overdue; it’s been available since Linux 3.13 but lacking a good reason to move beyond iptables I hadn’t yet done so (in the same way I clung to ipfwadm and ipchains until I had to move).

There’s a neat tool, iptables-restore-translate, which can take the output of iptables-save and provide a simple translation to nftables. That was a good start, but what was neater was moving to the inet filter instead of ip which then mean I could write one set of rules which applied to both IPv4 and IPv6 services. No need for rule duplication! The ability to write a single configuration file was nicer than the sh script I had to configure iptables as well. I expect to be able to write a cleaner set of rules as I learn more, and although it’s not relevant for the traffic levels I’m shifting I understand the rule parsing is generally more efficient if written properly.Finally there’s an nftables systemd service in Debian, so systemctl enable nftables turned on processing of /etc/nftables.conf on restart rather than futzing with a pre-up in /etc/network/interfaces.

With all the existing config moved over the actual redirection was easy. I added the following block to the end of nftables.conf (I had no NAT previously in place), which redirects HTTPS traffic directed at towards instead.

nftables dnat configuration
table ip nat {
        chain prerouting {
                type nat hook prerouting priority 0
                # Redirect incoming HTTPS to Home Assistant to Apache proxy
                iif "enp24s0" ip daddr tcp dport https \
        chain postrouting {
                type nat hook postrouting priority 100

I think the key here is I can guarantee that any traffic coming back from the Apache proxy is going to pass through the host doing the DNAT; each container has a point-to-point link configured rather than living on a network bridge. If there was a possibility traffic from the proxy could go direct to the requesting host (e.g. they were on a shared LAN) then you’d need to do SNAT as well so the proxy would return the traffic to the NAT host which would then redirect to the requesting host.

Apache was then configured as a reverse proxy, with my actual config ending up as follows. For now I’ve restricted access to within my house; I’m still weighing up the pros and cons of exposing access externally without the need for a tunnel. The domain I used on my internal network is a proper registered thing, so although I don’t expose any IP addresses externally I’m able to use Mythic Beasts’ DNS validation instructions and have a valid cert.

Apache proxy config for Home Assistant
<VirtualHost *:443>
        ServerName hass-host

        ProxyPreserveHost On
        ProxyRequests off
        RewriteEngine on

        # Anything under /local/ we serve, otherwise proxy to Home Assistant
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} '/local/.*'
        RewriteRule .* - [L]
        RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
        RewriteRule /(.*) ws://hass-host:8123/$1 [P,L]
        ProxyPassReverse /api/websocket ws://hass-host:8123/api/websocket
        RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket [NC]
        RewriteRule /(.*) http://hass-host:8123/$1 [P,L]
        ProxyPassReverse / http://hass-host:8123/

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/le.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/le.key
        SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.crt

        # Static files can be hosted here instead of via Home Assistant
        Alias /local/ /srv/www/hass-host/
        <Directory /srv/www/hass-host/>
                Options -Indexes

        # Only allow access from inside the house
        ErrorDocument 403 "Not for you."
        <Location />
                Order Deny,Allow
                Deny from all
                Allow from

I’ve done the same for my UniFi controller; the DNAT works exactly the same, while the Apache reverse proxy config is slightly different - a change in some of the paths and config to ignore the fact there’s no valid SSL cert on the controller interface.

Apache proxy config for Unifi Controller
<VirtualHost *:443>
	ServerName unifi-host

	ProxyPreserveHost On
	ProxyRequests off

	SSLProxyEngine on
	SSLProxyVerify off
	SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
	SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
	SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off

	AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
	ProxyPass /wss/ wss://unifi-host:8443/wss/
	ProxyPassReverse /wss/ wss://unifi-host:8443/wss/
	ProxyPass / https://unifi-host:8443/
	ProxyPassReverse / https://unifi-host:8443/

	SSLEngine on
	SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/le.crt
	SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/le.key
	SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.crt

	# Only allow access from inside the house
	ErrorDocument 403 "Not for you."
	<Location />
		Order Deny,Allow
		Deny from all
		Allow from

(worth pointing out that one of my other Home Assistant niggles has also been fixed - there’s now the ability to setup multiple users and separate out API access to OAuth, rather than a single password providing full access. It still needs more work in terms of ACLs for users, but that’s a bigger piece of work.)

Go Baby Go

I’m starting a new job next month and their language of choice is Go. Which means I have a good reason to finally get around to learning it (far too many years after I saw Marga talk about it at DebConf). For that I find I need a project - it’s hard to find the time to just do programming exercises, whereas if I’m working towards something it’s a bit easier. Naturally I decided to do something home automation related. In particular I bought a couple of Xiaomi Mijia Temperature/Humidity sensors a while back which also report via Bluetooth. I had a set of shell scripts polling them every so often to get the details, but it turns out they broadcast the current status every 2 seconds. Passively listening for that is a better method as it reduces power consumption on the device - no need for a 2 way handshake like with a manual poll. So, the project: passively listen for BLE advertisements, make sure they’re from the Xiaomi device and publish them via MQTT every minute.

One thing that puts me off new languages is when they have a fast moving implementation - telling me I just need to fetch the latest nightly to get all the features I’m looking for is a sure fire way to make me hold off trying something. Go is well beyond that stage, so I grabbed the 1.11 package from Debian buster. That’s only one release behind current, so I felt reasonably confident I was using a good enough variant. For MQTT the obvious choice was the Eclipse Paho MQTT client. Bluetooth was a bit trickier - there were more options than I expected (including one by Paypal), but I settled on go-ble (sadly now in archived mode), primarily because it was the first one where I could easily figure out how to passively scan without needing to hack up any of the library code.

With all those pieces it was fairly easy to throw together something that does the required steps in about 200 lines of code. That seems comparable to what I think it would have taken in Python, and to a large extent the process felt a lot closer to writing something in Python than in C.

Now, this wasn’t a big task in any way, but it was a real problem I wanted to solve and it brought together various pieces that helped provide me with an introduction to Go. I’ve a lot more to learn, but I figure I should write up my initial takeaways. There’s no mention of goroutines or channels or things like that - I’m aware of them, but I haven’t yet had a reason to use them so don’t have an informed opinion at this point.

I should point out I read Rob Pike’s Go at Google talk first, which helped understand the mindset behind Go a lot - it’s not trying to solve the same problem as Rust, for example, but very much tailored towards a set of the problems that Google see with large scale software development. Also I’m primarily coming from a background in C and C++ with a bit of Perl and Python thrown in.

The Ecosystem is richer than I expected

I was surprised at the variety of Bluetooth libraries available to me. For a while I wasn’t sure I was going to find one that could do what I needed without hackery, but most of the Python BLE modules have the same problem.

Static binaries are convenient

Go builds a mostly static binary - my tool only links against various libraries from libc, with the Bluetooth and MQTT Go modules statically linked into the executable file. With my distro minded head on I object to this; it means I need a complete rebuild in case of any modification to the underlying modules. However the machine I’m running the tool on is different than the machine I developed on and there’s no doubt that being able to copy a single binary over rather than having to worry about all the supporting bits as well is a real time saver.

The binaries are huge

This is the flip side of static binaries, I guess. My tool is a 7.6MB binary file. That’s not a problem on my AMD64 server, but even though Go seems to have Linux/MIPS support I doubt I’ll be running things built using it on my OpenWRT router. Memory usage seems sane enough, but that size of file is a significant chunk of the available flash storage for small devices.

Module versioning isn’t as horrible as I expected

A few years back I attended a Go talk locally and asked a question about module versioning and the fact that by default modules were pulled directly from Git repositories, seemingly without any form of versioning. The speaker admitted that their example code had in fact failed to compile the previous day because of a change upstream that changed an API. These days things seem better; I was pointed at go mod and in particular setting GO111MODULE=on for my 1.11 compiler, and when I first built my code Go created a go.mod with a set of versioned dependencies. I’m still wary of build systems that automatically grab code from the internet, and the pinning of versions conflicts with an ability to be able to automatically rebuild and pick up module security fixes, but at least there seems to be some thought going into this these days.

I love maps

Really this is more a generic thing I miss when I write C. Perl hashes, Python dicts, Go maps. An ability to easily stash things by arbitrary reference without having to worry about reallocation of the holding structure. I haven’t delved into other features Go has over C particularly yet so I’m sure there’s more to take advantage of, but maps are a good start.

The syntax is easy enough

The syntax for Go felt comfortable enough to me. I had to look a few bits and pieces up, but nothing grated. go fmt is a nice touch; I like the fact that modern languages are starting to have a well defined preferred style. It’s a long time since I wrote any Pascal, but as a C programmer things made sense.

I’m still not convinced about garbage collection

One of the issues I hit while developing my tool was that it would sit and spin and take more and more memory. This turned out to be a combination of some flaky Bluetooth hardware returning odd responses, and my failure to handle the returned error message. Ultimately this resulted in a resource leak causing the growing memory use. This would still have been possible without garbage collection, but I think not having to think about memory allocation/deallocation made me more complacent. Relying on the garbage collector to free up resources means you have to be sure nothing is holding a reference any more (even if it won’t use it). I think it will take further time with Go development to fully make my mind up, but for now I’m still wary.

Code, in the unlikely event it’s helpful to anyone, is on GitHub.

Setting up SSH 2FA using TOTP

I spend a lot of time connected to remote hosts. My email and IRC client live on a dedicated server with Bytemark, which makes it easy to access wherever I am in the world. I have a well connected VM for running Debian package builds on using sbuild. At home my Home Assistant setup lives in its own container. And of course that lives on a server which is in the comms room and doesn’t even have a video card installed. At work my test machines are all in the server room rather than noisily on my desk. I connect to all of these with SSH (and screen, though I keep meaning to investigate tmux more thoroughly) - I’ve been doing so since the days of dialup, I’m very happy with the command line and I generally don’t need the overhead of a remote GUI. I don’t think I’m unusual in this respect (especially among people likely to be reading this post).

One of the things I love about SSH is the ability to use SSH keys. That means I don’t have to remember passwords for hosts - they go in my password manager for emergencies, I login with them once to drop my .ssh/authorised_keys file in place, and I forget them. For my own machines, where possible, I disable password logins entirely. However there are some hosts I want to be able to get to even without having an SSH key available, but equally would like a bit more security on. A while back I had a conversation with some local folk about the various options and decided that some sort of two-factor authentication (2FA) was an appropriate compromise; I was happy to trust an SSH key on its own, but for a password based login I wanted an extra piece of verification. I ended up putting the Google Authenticator on my phone, which despite the name is actually a generic implementation of the TOTP and HTOP one-time password algorithms. It’s turned out useful for various websites as well (in particular at work I have no phone coverage and 2FA on O365. Having Authenticator installed makes that easier than having to wave my phone near the window to get an SMS login token).

For the server side I installed the Google Authenticator PAM module, conveniently available in Debian with a simple apt install libpam-google-authenticator. I added:

auth required nullok

to /etc/pam.d/sshd below the @include common-auth line, and changed

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to be yes instead. servicectl restart sshd restarts SSH and brings the new config into play. At this point password only logins are still ok (thanks to the nullok above). To enable 2FA you then run google-authenticator as your normal user. This asks a bunch of questions - I went for TOTP (i.e. time based), disabled multiple uses and turned on the rate-limiting. The tool will display an ASCII art QR code (make sure your terminal window is big enough) that can be scanned by the phone app. From this point on the account will require an authentication code after a successful password entry, but also allow SSH key only logins.

For the avoidance of doubt, this does not involve sending any information off to Google or any other network provider. TOTP/HOTP are self contained protocols, and it’s the scanning of the QR code/entering the secret key at setup time that binds the app to the server details. There are other app implementations which will work just fine.

(This post mostly serves to document the setup steps for my own reference; I set it up originally over a year ago and have just had to do so again for a new machine.)

Making my first PCB

ESP32 on prototyping board

I’ve written a lot about my various home automation bits, but I haven’t generally posted pictures. That’s because my construction skills aren’t great; I’m wiring together modules and that tends to make it harder to case things properly and make them look nice. My first attempt to be better about this was to buy a prototyping box which had a case + board paired with it I could attach modules to. This helped a bit, but still involved a mess set of wiring to attach things together (proper strip board would have been more useful than just copper pads).

I then started to notice I was getting JLCPCB ads while web browsing, offering 10 PCBs for $2. That seemed like a good deal, and I thought if I did things right I could find the right case and then make sure the PCB fitted in it. I found a small vented white case available from CPC. This allows me to put a temperature sensor inside for some devices. KiCad seemed like a good option for trying to design my basic schematic and lay it out, so I installed it and set to work trying to figure out what I wanted to put on the board, and how to actually drive KiCad.

As the core I chose an ESP-07 ESP8266 module. I’ve used a few of them before and they’re cheap and convenient. I added an LDO voltage regulator (LD1117) so I could use a 5V PSU (and I’m hoping with a heatsink I can get away with a 12V supply as well, even if it’s more inefficient). That gave enough to get a basic schematic once I’d added the necessary pull-up/down resistors for the ESP8266 and decoupling capacitors. I included a DC barrel jack for the PSU, and pin headers for the serial port, SPI pins and GPIO0 for boot selection. One of my use cases is to make an LED strip controller, so I threw in a screw terminal block for power + control - the board is laid out to allow a MOSFET for a simple white 12V LED strip, or the same GPIO taken straight to the terminal block for controlling a WS2812 strip. By including a couple of extra pull-up resistors I added the option of I2C for further expansion.

After I had the basic schematic I moved to layout. Luckily Hammond provide 2D CAD files for the case, so I figured I would import them into KiCad’s PCB layout tool to make sure things would fit. That took a little bit of effort to go from DWG to DXF and trim it down (I found a web tool to do the initial conversion and then had to strip out the bits of the case that weren’t related to the PCB size + mounting points). I wasn’t confident enough that the edge cuts layer would include the mounting holes, so I manually placed some from KiCad over the right spots.

IoTPCB + Case

At this point I was glad I had a simple design, because it took me a while to decide how to place things and then route the tracks. I ended up altering some header pin assignments from the original design to make things a bit easier to route, and took advantage of the double sided board to put some components underneath, to ease both routing and space constraints. Originally I had planned to make things easy and go for through-hole components (I’ve never SMD soldered before) but in the interests of making use of space I risked the “1206 Handsoldered” footprint option in KiCad, which seems to be like the Duplo of SMD components. I kept my regulator as through-hole to make a larger heatsink easier. I also discovered I had a bit of spare space, so I put down a footprint and pin headers for a PCF8574 I2C GPIO expander to allow for more IO if I needed it. Finally the I2C pin header was laid out to allow a BME280 module to be soldered directly on top, allowing for easy addition of environmental monitoring without having to solder ridiculously small devices myself.

Once I had all of that done I printed out my final design, carefully cut around the edge and made sure it fitted into the case and the components I already had where the right size. Once I was fairly confident I’d checked as much as I could I then did a Gerber export and uploaded to JLCPCB. The process was very smooth - you upload a zip file, can do a sanity check viewing of how they’ve parsed it, select various options for the PCB (I left almost everything as the default) and then submit the order. Over the next couple of days you can see things progress through the various manufacturing stages and then get dispatched. For the first order it turns out you get free DHL Express delivery, so I ordered on Friday morning and had 10 boards by Wednesday afternoon. All for £1.58. A friend tells me subsequent orders have standard China Post shipping as standard, but for that price it’s still hard to beat!

How did they turn out? Pretty well. The quality of the boards is excellent to my untrained eye. Soldering the SMD bits got easier when I switched to a better bit on my soldering iron and made sure it was well screwed in (otherwise it, er, doesn’t heat up particularly reliably) - my soldering is still terrible, but it gets the job done. Most importantly the PCB fit the case footprint perfectly - mounting holes in the right place, edge cuts the right shape/size. A couple of snips to the vents and the barrel jack connector and terminal block are easily accessible, and it still looks fairly neat. The main mistake I made was not thinking about component heights! In particular the barrel jack was a couple of mm too high, which a quick shave with a Dremel sorted. The voltage regulator also stood far too high, which I fixed by bending at a 90° angle over the board. This will limit my options for a heatsink, but for 5V power this isn’t necessary anyway.

So far I’ve assembled 2 boards, both controlling WS2812 LED strips and powered by 5V PSUs. One also has a BME280 added. I’m waiting on more parts arriving and then will try out a 12V / white LED strip combo. I’m really pleased with the overall results; it took a while playing with KiCad to get to the point I was confident to send my files off to be manufactured (the print outs helped a lot), and failing to think about component heights was a silly mistake, but having everything mounted on a single PCB and firmly screwed into a case makes for a much more robust project. The first 2 are both hidden out of the way, but it’s reassuring to know they’re not particularly fragile like some of my earlier constructions. And I’m already trying to work out what PCB I want to make next…

Bordering on ridiculous

There’s been a lot of discussion (to put it mildly) about the backstop in regards to Brexit. Effectively the TL;DR is that it’s designed to prevent the return of a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, in the absence of some more organized solution. As someone born and raised in Northern Ireland I’m in favour of that. My parents live in Newry, which is just north of the border on the main Belfast/Dublin road. I remember the border checkpoint.

The backstop causes problems because it requires the United Kingdom to keep in sync with the EU in many respects, to retain the customs union and allow the free movement of goods across the border in a friction-free manner. Originally there was a suggestion that this union could apply solely to Northern Ireland, with some sort of checks made on the air/sea border between NI and the rest of the UK. The DUP rejected any suggestion of a border in the Irish Sea, and as the party propping up the Tories they have some sway in this whole thing. That’s unfortunate, as I think that this sort of special status for Northern Ireland could make it a very attractive place to do business, with good access to both the rest of the UK and the EU. The DUP claim to be rejecting anything that might make Northern Ireland separate from the UK. What they fail to acknowledge is the multitude of ways in which NI is separate, some of them their doing.

Let’s start with some legal examples. Belfast was the first place to have generally available civil partnerships for gay couples (there was an earlier exceptional ceremony in Brighton for a terminally ill man). Today Northern Ireland is the only place not to allow same sex marriage - England and Wales introduced the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 and Scotland introduced the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2014. The DUP have repeatedly used the Petition of Concern to block such legislation in Northern Ireland, and stated they will continue to do so.

The other headline difference is the fact that the Abortion Act 1967 does not apply in Northern Ireland, which instead falls back to the Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 and the older Offences Against the Person Act 1861, only allowing abortion in cases where it is to preserve the life of the mother.

Less of a headline difference is the fact it’s illegal to give a child under 16 alcohol in Northern Ireland (Children and Young Persons Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 s.25), unless it’s on the order of a doctor. Everywhere else it’s illegal for under 5s (Children and Young Persons Act 1933 s.5), but ok for older children in private premises. It’s wise to try to prevent underage drinking, but I’d have thought enabling it legally in the home isn’t the risk factor we should be worried about here. NI also has more restrictive off-license alcohol licensing, leading to weird cordoned off areas in supermarkets where they keep the alcohol and most small shops not stocking it at all.

All of these legal differences are reconcilable with the DUP’s status as a conservative Christian right party. However they all serve to separate Northern Ireland more from the rest of the UK, making it look like a parochial backwater, and that’s harder to reconcile with the DUP’s statement that they want to avoid that. Equally there are other pieces of legislation that have variations in the Northern Ireland implementation (and the fact there’s even a separate Act or Order for NI for things predating devolution is sometimes an oddity).

For example, The Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996, Article 140 specifies that an employee needs 1 year continuous employment to be able to make an unfair dismissal claim, while the Employment Rights Act 1996, s.108 requires 2 years before such a claim can be made in the rest of the UK. Good for workers in NI, but not a logical difference to have.

We can’t even claim these differences all pre-date the Good Friday Agreement Stormont Assembly. In 2014 the DUP were quite happy to try and diverge NI’s tax regime from the rest of the UK by aiming for a corporation tax reduction that was, irony of ironies, designed to bring NI into line with the rest of Ireland in an attempt to get some of the inward investment pie.

It’s also worth noting that land law is significantly different between NI and England & Wales (to the extent that while doing my law degree I was taught them as 2 parallel strands rather than the lecturers simply pointing out the divergences along the way). Scotland is even more different, so that’s perhaps not as useful an example of variation, but it does usefully lead into a discussion about differences in the provision of government services. Searching the Land Registry for Northern Ireland is in-person physical act. Doing so for England and Wales with the HM Land Registry is possible online.

This can be seen again in the area of driving licences, something you’d expect a unified UK approach for. The rest of the UK has abolished the paper counterpart for driving licences. Not Northern Ireland. If you hold an NI licence and want to hire a car don’t forget to bring your paper part! (Yes, this has bitten me once.) Northern Ireland was also the first part of the UK to have a photograph as part of the driving licence (probably because we were the only part of the UK being stopped at army checkpoints and asked for ID).

On the subject of cars, the MOT in Northern Ireland is performed in government run test centres. Elsewhere in the UK MOT’s are handled by approved test centres - usually a garage. There are advantages to both (primarily a trade off between government impartiality and the convenience of being able to drop your car off for a test with someone who will fix the failures), but there’s no logical reason for the difference across the country.

The executive has also used the sea border with the rest of the UK to its advantage, for example during the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak, when additional controls were put in place at ports and airports in Northern Ireland to try and prevent the spread of the disease to NI farming stock. (I remember the disinfectant mats being in place at Belfast International Airport during this period.)

We have other differences too. 4 Northern Irish banks issue their own bank notes (though First Trust are stopping) - they’re worth exactly the same as Bank of England notes (being valid pounds sterling), but good luck freely spending them in the rest of the UK! And for a long time we didn’t even have representation from the big UK banks here (which made having an NI bank account while being at university in England problematic at times).

These geographical and legal differences naturally extend into the private sector. It’s not just the banks who lack representation here, high street shops are affected too. I keep getting Ocado vouchers included in other orders but they’re no use to me because Waitrose aren’t present here. McDonalds didn’t arrive until the early 90s. There are plenty of other examples.

I’m sure some of this is due to the existence of a large body of water between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK making delivery more complex. It’s not uncommon for suppliers to charge more or completely refuse to deliver to NI. Even when they do there are frequently restrictions (see Amazon’s for an example). Good luck getting a replacement phone or laptop battery shipped from a reputable supplier these days!

Car insurance has also historically been higher in Northern Ireland. A paper produced by the Northern Ireland Assembly, ‘Update: Comparative Car and Home Insurance Costs in NI’ (NIAR 508-10) discussed potential reasons for this, concluding that the higher rate of accidents and associated legal system differences resulting in higher compensation and legal fees were likely causes. I guess that explains some of the terrifying road safety ads shown on TV here over the years.

What’s my point with all of this? Largely that I feel it’s foolish to try and pretend Northern Ireland doesn’t have differences with the rest of the UK, and deciding that the existence of some additional checks on movement across the Irish Sea is the red line seems to be shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. If the DUP had shown any inclination to rectify the other arbitrary differences that exist here I’d have more sympathy, but the fact they persist in maintaining some of them just strikes me as hypocrisy.

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