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Kate L Pugh - Cookery Diary

This is highly experimental. Don't be surprised if I get fed up of updating it. It's dual-purpose - first, it'll give new vegans or people thinking about becoming vegan an idea of what a real actual vegan eats day-to-day; and second, it'll encourage me to cook properly instead of living on toast.

[Archives: 11Feb0118Feb0125Feb014Mar0111Mar0118Mar0125Mar011Apr018Apr0115Apr0122Apr0129Apr016May0113May0120May0127May01]

Week Beginning Sunday 20 May 2001


Can't remember what I ate or cooked today.


Can't remember what I ate or cooked today.




There was some pasta left over - it went in the fridge for future use.


I made the aubergine and tamarind thing again tonight, fed half to doop and put the rest in the fridge. Also fed him some spinach dhal from the freezer, again putting the rest in the fridge.


I made some more of Jennifer Raymond's Mushroom and Almond Pate tonight, for tomorrow's breakfast and next week's packed breakfasts.