2016 in 50 Words
Idea via Roger. Roughly chronological order. Some things were obvious inclusions but it was interesting to go back and look at the year to get to the full 50 words.
Speaking at BelFOSS. Earthlings birthday. ATtiny hacking. Speaking at ISCTSJ. Dublin Anomaly. Co-habiting. DebConf. Peak Lion. Laura’s wedding. Christmas + picnic. Engagement. Car accident. Car write off. Tennent’s Vital. Dissertation. OMGWTFBBQ. BSides. New job. Rachel’s wedding. Digital Privacy talk. Graduation. All The Christmas Dinners. IMDB Top 250. Shay leaving drinks.
(This also serves as a test to see if I’ve correctly updated Planet Debian to use https and my new Hackergotchi that at least looks a bit more like I currently do.)