
Bean Stews

Bean stews are quick to make, and freeze well. I've been making quite a lot of make-it-up-as-you-go-along bean stews recently, with whatever I happened to have around. These work well for people without much time to cook as they incorporate vegetables as well as protein - if you have time to do a side vegetable as well, so much the better.

The basic procedure is:

Here are some examples; it's fun to make up your own, though:

Peanut Chickpea (Garbanzo Bean) Stew

I also have a recipe using these guidelines.

Mediterranean Beans and Lentils

I also have a recipe using these guidelines.

Mushroom and Blackeye Bean Stew

Mixed Bean Soup

Kake's Cookery Site - http://www.earth.li/~kake/cookery
This page added 28 May 2001 (last amended 15 October 2008) - comments and questions to Kake L Pugh (kake@earth.li).