Experiments with 1-Wire
As previously mentioned, at the end of last year I got involved with a project involving the use of 1-Wire. In particular a DS28E15 device, intended to be used as a royalty tracker for a licensed piece of hardware IP. I’d no previous experience with 1-Wire (other than knowing it’s commonly used for driving temperature sensors), so I took it as an opportunity to learn a bit more about it.
The primary goal was to program a suitable shared key into the DS28E15 device that would also be present in the corresponding hardware device. A Maxim programmer had been ordered, but wasn’t available in stock so had to be back ordered. Of course I turned to my trusty Bus Pirate, which claimed 1-Wire support. However it failed to recognise the presence of the device at all. After much head scratching I finally listened to a co-worker who had suggested it was a clock speed issue - the absence of any option to select the 1-Wire speed in the Bus Pirate or any mention of different speeds in the documentation I had read had made me doubt it was an issue. Turns out that the Bus Pirate was talking “standard” 1-Wire and the DS28E15 only talks “overdrive” 1-Wire, to the extent that it won’t even announce its presence if the reset pulse conforms to the standard, rather than overdrive, reset time period. Lesson learned: listen to your co-workers sooner.
A brief period of yak shaving led to adding support to the Bus Pirate for the overdrive mode (since landed in upstream), and resulted in a search request via the BP interface correctly finding the device and displaying its ROM ID. This allowed exploration of the various commands the authenticator supports, to verify that the programming sequence operated as expected. These allow for setting the shared secret, performing a SHA256 MAC against this secret and a suitable nonce, and retrieving the result.
Next problem: the retrieved SHA256 MAC did not match the locally computed value. Initially endianness issues were suspected, but trying the relevant permutations did not help. Some searching found an implementation of SHA256 for the DS28E15 that showed differences between a standard SHA256 computation and what the authenticator performs. In particular SHA256 normally adds the current working state (a-g
) to the current hash value (h0-h7
) at the end of every block. The authenticator does this for all but the final block, where instead the hash value is set to the working state. I haven’t been able to find any documentation from Maxim that this is how things are calculated, nor have I seen any generic implementation of SHA256 which supports this mode. However rolling my own C implementation based on the code I found and using it to compare the results retrieved from the device confirms that this is what’s happening.
So at this point we’re done, right? Wait for the proper programming hardware to turn up, write the key to the devices, profit? Well, no. There was a bit of a saga involving the programmer (actually programmers, one with at least some documentation that allowed the creation of a Python tool to allow setting the key and reading + recording the ROM ID for tracking, and one with no programming documentation that came with a fancy GUI for manually doing the programming), but more importantly it was necessary to confirm that the programmed device interacted with the hardware correctly.
Initial testing with the hardware was unsuccessful. Again endianness issues were considered and permutations tried, but without success. A simple key constructed to avoid such issues was tried, and things worked fine. There was a hardware simulation of both components available, so it was decided to run that and obtain a capture of the traffic between them. As the secret key was known this would then allow the random nonce to be captured, and the corresponding (correct) hash value. Tests could then be performed in software to determine what the issue was & how to generate the same hash for verification.
Two sets of analyzer software were tried, OpenBench LogicSniffer (OLS) and sigrok. As it happened both failed to correctly decode the bitstream detected as 1-Wire, but were able to show the captured data graphically, allowing for decoding by eye. A slight patch to OLS to relax the timing constraints allowed it to successfully decode the full capture and provided the appropriate data for software reproduction. The end issue? A 256 bit number (as defined in VHDL) is not the same as 32 element byte array… Obvious when you know what the issue is!
So? What did I learn, other than a lot about 1-Wire? Firstly, don’t offhandedly discount suggestions that you don’t think make sense. Secondly, having a tool (in this case the Bus Pirate) that lets you easily play with a protocol via a simple interface is invaluable in understanding it. Thirdly, don’t trust manufacturers to be doing something in a normal fashion when they claim to be using a well defined technology. Fourthly, be conscious about all of the different ways bitstreams can be actually processed in memory. It’s not just endianness. Finally, spending the time to actually understand what’s going on up front can really help when things don’t work as you’d expect later on - without the yak shaving to support Overdrive on the BP I wouldn’t have been able to so quickly use the simulation capture to help diagnose the issue.