Another redesign. This time with BlogPower™. Not sure what will happen
about content. Probably will get content until I get bored, then wither.
It seems that I haven't been updating my website as often as I should. There's a lot of information that I want to share with people, but I haven't come up with a simple way of getting it all across.
In the mean time, there is a menu to the left there <--
The reason most people have web pages I do not know, however I do like to be able to find out about people by looking at their web pages. I am less interested to find out about their gerbil though. It is like Internet spying, but spying on what they want you to know. So that people can find a little about me I have written these pages.
My PGP/GPG key is available as this file
There is a more blog-style diary here
Recent Changes
18:28, 30 Aug 2008 [ /techie/projects/currentcost] Current Cost Hacking
At OpenTech I saw a talk by a couple of guys that had been recording their electricty usage and plotting graphs of it...14:39, 20 Jul 2008 [ /techie/blog/programming/html] Opera 9.51 shows noscript tags
It seems that it's possible to get opera to show the content of a <noscript> tag, even without the user disabling javascript...14:10, 20 Jul 2008 [ /techie/blog] Comments
I'm now experimenting with comments on this site, they're provided by js-kit in a very web2...18:12, 03 Jul 2008 [ /techie/blog/programming/sql] Quicker Table Mutations
When adding a new column and assigning values to it, you may be tempted to write something like: (I'm using postgres) -- Add cost column ALTER TABLE products add COLUMN cost DECIMAL; update products set cost = 0...12:06, 25 Jun 2008 [ /techie/blog/programming/sql] Ordered updates in SQL
Why doesn't the update command in SQL support an "order by" clause...