[OSS RATS] Swim the Thames #2 - catchup for those that missed it Water Eaton to Castle Eaton (Red Lion)

Jeremy Wellingham jeremy at wellingham.com
Thu Jun 16 21:48:51 BST 2011

Details of Swim #2 (Catch up for those that missed it the first time
around) in OSS Oxford and Reading's Swim the Thames event series. This
is the second swim of the OSS Swim the Thames event and we will pick up
where we left off at Water Eaton footbridge. Hopefully by now the Thames
will be deep enough to allow for more swimming than wading. The swim
will combine swims 3 and 4 and some of swim 5 from Michael Worthington's
book - 'I Love the Thames' - and will cover about 4km.

We will be meeting at 10:30 on Sat 25 June 2011 in the Red Lion car park
at Castle Eaton (marked by the green arrow). We have promised we will
eat lunch there at the end of our swim.

http://tinyurl.com/CastleEatonRL <http://tinyurl.com/CastleEatonRL>

The swim will be from Water Eaton footbridge (marked by green arrow)

http://tinyurl.com/WaterEatonFoB <http://tinyurl.com/WaterEatonFoB>

to the Red Lion. We will walk up stream to the Water Eaton footbridge
along the Thames path to familarise ourselves with the river.

Then swim back to the Red Lion for lunch. The Red Lion is the first pub
on the Thames and the grounds go down to the river so must be part of
the Swim the Thames experience. Following our experience with swim
(wade) #1 this is going to require a decent pair of 'feet' - a pair of
surf boots with thick grip soles - but you can get cheap shoes of the
kind that you can buy at the beach for very little and they'll do,
either on their own, or with a pair of wetsuit socks which are again
quite cheap. (See OSS Facebook Wading shoes discussion
<http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=55781602829&topic=17110> ).

By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and have read
and accepted the OSS swim responsibility statement:

See you there!

Jeremy & Sef

Oxford at outdoorswimmingsociety.com

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