[OSS Oxon] Hi

Chris Dalton seedy at breakingglass.net
Wed Aug 17 11:49:29 BST 2011

  BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }Hi
 Welcome!  This is the mailing list of the Oxford "group" of the
Outdoor Swimming Society.  You can find out loads more info about the
society in general on the website
http://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com [1] but this mailing list is a
good place to find out about swims.  In general the way it works is
that someone decides that they are going to go for a swim and then
invite other likeminded people along.  There is no organisation, as
 As well as the general swims we are in the process of swimming the
Thames from "source to salt".  These swims are advertised on here and
on Facebook.  Search on FB for "outdoorswimming society" or "OSS Swim
the Thames".
 Hope to see you at a swim soon!
 On Wed 17/08/11 10:16 AM , Ginny Henderson
ginnyknowsbest at hotmail.com sent:
 hello oxford outdoor swimming . i was given your email by laura
wells . i am interested in non pool swimming . is it possible for you
to let me know what is available around here ? are you a club ?
 many thanks 
 OSS Oxon mailing list
 OSSOxon at earth.li [2]
 Please note that OSS Oxon exists to put swimmers in touch with other
swimmers, not to organise swim events or in any way suggest that
outdoor swimming is a safe activity or that you should go swimming. If
you choose to swim you do so entirely at your own risk and on your own
initiative, and any plans you make are your own responsibility.

[1] http://www.outdoorswimmingsociety.com
[2] mailto:OSSOxon at earth.li
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