[cgi-wiki-dev] CGI::Wiki::Plugin::RSS::ModWiki

Earle Martin cgi-wiki-dev@earth.li
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 19:28:57 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline


(Quiet round these parts.)

In responding to a request from Jo Walsh yesterday to add some rdfs:seeAlso
properties to the items in the london.openguides.org RSS feed, I took a look
at the code of C::W::P::R::MW for the first time and realised it could do
with some changing.

Namely, the code appears to have been based on part of 
http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiPatches/XmlRss which in itself is
really not the best code it could be. In particular, it uses XML::RSS to do
a lot of stuff that could be seamlessly replaced with simple string
concatenation, and by relying on XML::RSS's pre-rolled methods to generate
things like "<dc:title>Something Or Other</dc:title>" you lose the ability
to write your own custom RDF.

So, I stripped out anything to do with XML::RSS and replaced it with a bunch
of simple strings. I can't prove it, but my instincts tell me the resulting
code actually runs a little faster. (Certainly no objects are generated and
laden with attributes etcetera.) I've actually put it to run live, and the
result can be seen at http://london.openguides.org/?action=rss .

A patch is attached to this message for my update. Kake, could you do the
honours? I'm not sure if CGI::Wiki provides an RDF option, though - at
least, I don't think it does - so you'll need to remove the four lines that
match "$rdf_url". This is the complete patch just so you can see what I did.
I should probably work out a way to get those lines into OpenGuides::RDF
somehow - any suggestions, anyone?

I'm not sure how many CGI::Wiki modules (and consequently OpenGuides
modules) use any of the XML::* modules, but hopefully this will cut down the
dependencies a bit.



hopefully this will cut down 
Earle Martin

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="noxmlrss.patch"

--- ModWiki.pm.bak	2005-04-04 22:37:07.000000000 +0100
+++ ModWiki.pm	2005-04-05 00:22:23.000000000 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 use vars qw( $VERSION );
 $VERSION = '0.06';
-use XML::RSS;
 use Time::Piece;
 use URI::Escape;
 use Carp qw( croak );
@@ -78,10 +77,6 @@
 C<wiki> must be a L<CGI::Wiki> object. C<make_node_url>, and
 C<make_diff_url> and C<make_history_url>, if supplied, must be coderefs.
-B<NOTE:> If you try to put ampersands (C<&>) in your URLs then
-L<XML::RSS> will escape them to C<&amp;>, so use semicolons (C<;>) to
-separate any CGI parameter pairs instead.
 The mandatory arguments are:
 =over 4
@@ -180,27 +175,27 @@
 sub recent_changes {
     my ($self, %args) = @_;
-    my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0');
-    $rss->add_module(
-        prefix => 'wiki',
-        uri    => 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/wiki/'
-    );
     my $time = localtime;
     my $timestamp = $time->strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" );
-    $rss->channel(
-        title         => $self->{site_name},
-        link          => $self->{recent_changes_link},
-        description   => $self->{site_description},
-        dc => {
-            date        => $timestamp
-        },
-        wiki => {
-            interwiki   => $self->{interwiki_identifier}
-        }
-    );
+    my $rss = qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns       = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/"
+ xmlns:dc    = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
+ xmlns:wiki  = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/wiki/"
+ xmlns:rdf   = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+ xmlns:rdfs  = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+<channel rdf:about="} . $self->{recent_changes_link}  . qq{">
+<title>}              . $self->{site_name}            . qq{</title>
+<link>}               . $self->{recent_changes_link}  . qq{</link>
+<description>}        . $self->{site_description}     . qq{</description>
+<dc:date>}            . $timestamp                    . qq{</dc:date>
+<wiki:interwiki>}     . $self->{interwiki_identifier} . qq{</wiki:interwiki>};
+    my (@urls, @items);
     # If we're not passed any parameters to limit the items returned,
     # default to 15, which is apparently the modwiki standard.
@@ -242,6 +237,8 @@
         my $url = $self->{make_node_url}->( $node_name, $version );
+        push @urls, qq{    <rdf:li rdf:resource="$url" />\n};
         my $diff_url = "";
         if ( $self->{make_diff_url} ) {
 	    $diff_url = $self->{make_diff_url}->( $node_name );
@@ -252,25 +249,38 @@
 	    $history_url = $self->{make_history_url}->( $node_name );
-        $rss->add_item(
-            title         => $node_name,
-            link          => $url,
-            description   => $description,
-            dc => {
-                date        => $timestamp,
-                contributor => $author,
-            },
-            wiki => {
-                status      => $status,
-                importance  => $importance,
-                diff        => $diff_url,
-                version     => $version,
-                history     => $history_url
-            },
-        );
-    }
+        my $node_url = $self->{make_node_url}->( $node_name );
-    return $rss->as_string;
+        my $rdf_url = $node_url;
+        $rdf_url =~ s/\?/\?id=/;
+        $rdf_url .= ';format=rdf';
+        push @items, qq{
+<item rdf:about="$url">
+  <title>$node_name</title>
+  <link>$url</link>
+  <description>$description</description>
+  <dc:date>$timestamp</dc:date>
+  <dc:contributor>$author</dc:contributor>
+  <wiki:status>$status</wiki:status>
+  <wiki:importance>$importance</wiki:importance>
+  <wiki:diff>$diff_url</wiki:diff>
+  <wiki:version>$version</wiki:version>
+  <wiki:history>$history_url</wiki:history>
+  <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="$rdf_url" />
+    }
+    $rss .= qq{
+  <rdf:Seq>
+} . join('', @urls) . qq{  </rdf:Seq>
+} . join('', @items) . "\n</rdf:RDF>\n";
+    return $rss;   
 =head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -296,12 +306,9 @@
 =head1 CREDITS
-The people on #core on irc.rhizomatic.net gave encouragement and
+The people on #swig on irc.freenode.net gave encouragement and
 useful advice.
-I cribbed some of this code from
