Dear People of the Thames (and Isis), 
It's Big Jump time. As some may know from previous years, this is a Europe (World?) wide event in which swimmers are encouraged to jump in the river at the same time (2pm) to reclaim the river for leisure, love and life. We usually jump in off the Fiddler's Island, Port Meadow, Oxford, small bridge.
Unfortunately this year I've been a bit preoccupied and I am unable to be there and so haven't organised it.  Some people would still like to take part, however.
Please email me & the list back if you would like to go ahead anyway for a Port Meadow, Oxford, jump, dip n' picnic on Saturday at 2pm (meet 1.15 and eat afterwards?). Or go to the thread on the Facebook OSS Thames page.
This is the perfect event for families, and new to the riverees, and swimmers with swim-widows and widowers who just like to sit in the sun. It's going to be a beautiful day!

