Swim #1 in OSS Oxon and Reading's
Swim the Thames event series.
Cricklade Bridge to Water Eaton House - Mon 02 May 10:30 - 15:00
This is the first "swim" in our attempt to swim the length of
the Thames from the
source to the sea (well the end of the non-tidal Thames at
Teddington at least).
Following on from the initial walk from the Source to Cricklade
on Good Friday, we
will paddle, wade and even swim a bit from Cricklade Bridge to
Water Eaton House.
This stretch combines swims 1 & 2 from Michael Worthington's
book - 'I Love the
Thames' -... and will cover 3km but if the going gets too heavy
we will stop half way
at Eysey Manor footbridge and re-schedule the remainder for
another day.
We will be meeting at 10:30am at the Town Hall car park in
Cricklade (marked by green
arrow). (Same as the Good Friday Source to Cricklade walk.)
From here we will shuttle down to the end point at the
footbridge near Water Eaton
House - parking is limited - and walk back up to Cricklade so we
can survey the river
for obstacles from the safety of the bank. (Recommended
practice from Mike's book
and particularly relevant for these early sections of the
river.) To avoid any
gymnastics at Cricklade bridge we can jump in the river from the
path at the point it
diverges from the river just on the boundary of Cricklade and
paddle up the river to
Cricklade bridge and then turn round and start the paddle proper
back down to Water
Eaton house. Shuttle back to Cricklade and find a pub for drink
/ lunch. (Or bring a
picnic if the weather is kind . . .)
Having inspected the Thames at Cricklade at the end of our
Source to Cricklade walk
this is going to require a decent pair of 'feet' - a pair of
surf boots with thick
grip soles - but you can get cheap shoes of the kind that you
can buy at the beach
for very little and they'll do, either on their own, or with a
pair of wetsuit socks
which are again quite cheap. (See OSS Wading Shoes Facebook
discussion -
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=55781602829&v=app_2373072738#!/topic.php?uid=55781602829&topic=17110 )
By attending you confirm that you are a member of the OSS and
have read and accepted
the OSS swim responsibility statement:
All swimmers swim at their own risk.
Jeremy Wellingham And Sefryn Penrose
e-mail: Oxford@outdoorswimmingsociety.com