What ho chaps,

Top hole old swim-swam to be had this weekend. Can't be doing with the hoi-polloi though - the rest of the Human Race (Windsor race begins in our patch at 8am) who insist on swimming in MY river - so meet a little later than planned at 1.30pm so the little blighters can be fished out and sent packing. Jeeves says a tip-top tiffin of fois gras, quails eggs and truffles before a swim is just the thing so fill up fellows.

1.30pm at the car park at Boveney Lock (same as last time - hopefully there'll be enough space for all the Rollers)
(Green arrow marks the spot).

Toddle over to the lock and plop in, swim down past school (jolly boating weather), watch out for the old boys' bathing place - Athens we called it doncha know - ladies, eyes right:


Stop for a sing song. Carry on down to Romney Lock and don't forget to tip yer hat to the old girl if the flag's up. At Romney Lock - we'll scramble out and toddle back to the start (I know! In public - in those garments! Just like the Bullingdon Club all over again). The walk's about 3.5km, so make sure you've got suitable footwear or you'll be hopping about like a loon. Dash it all, parking in Windsor's a royal pain.

Sefryn's not coming- squeamish I suppose; and Jeremy's gone Greek, so we're on our own chaps. Warm-down drinks at the Pineapple for afters. Try not to wreck the place.


Tuppy Trunk-Wetblubber (of the Berkshire Trunk-Wetblubbers) and the seriphus politus of the Windsor Thames


OSS Oxon mailing list: OSSOxon@earth.li



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