The internal storage should be visible via the /dev/mtd devices --- it's raw flash rather than a normal block device, and you'll need flash-specific tools or a flash-specific filesystem like JFFS. However, AFAIK the stock firmware's filesystem is custom and hasn't been reverse engineered yet. (No effort was put into this back in the day because we didn't want to get Amstrad angry. They were selling E3s under cost, after all.)

Re ethernet: have you tried manually configuring an IP address with ifconfig? And it's worth looking to see if a copy of dhcpd is on the filesystem somewhere.

Never tried a serial adapter.

On Wed, 29 May 2019 at 09:45, ZudoBug2 . <> wrote:
I have an E3 that's still in its factory state (PBL V4.9 and never registered with Amstrad). It can boot into BusyBox Linux as per the instructions at

Is it possible to access the E3's internal storage from the BusyBox command line?
I am curious to read some of the config files etc.

As an aside, I noticed that the E3's OS includes a driver for my "Pegasus II" USB Ethernet adapter, so I tried connecting this before power-up. The E3 doesn't obtain an IP address automatically via DHCP, but I wonder if it assigns a fixed IP that might permit access, for example via SSH?

There also seems to be a driver for a Belkin USB serial adapter (but I don't have one to test it with). Anyone tried connecting one of these?


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