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The FM Chips

As well as producing digital effects, using the ADC the Sound Blaster is able to synthesise music, using it's two FM chips (OPL4) These chips are able to create musical notes. As apposed to Digital Samples the FM chips aren't sent the amplitude at regular intervals. Instead the sound is synthesised using a two part FM wave synthesis system.

The Sound Blaster can make the sound of nine melodic instruments at a time, or six melodic and five rhythm instruments.

Each instrument or voice is created by two operators. There are two methods in which they can be combined to make the final sound.
(i)     Additative synthesis. Using this method the waves
        Produced by each operator are added, to give the final sound.
        This method only alows organ like sounds to be created.
(ii)    Frequency Modulation. One operator is used as a carrier and
        the other as a modulator. The carrier creates a tone and this
        tone is fed into the modulator to modify it. The output from
        the modulator can also be fed into itself causing feedback.

Which ever metod of synthesis is used the general method of controling the FM chips is the same. The FM chips are controled by changing the values of the Sound Blasters Registers. Each FM chip (Left and Right) is controled by 102 registers. Setting the register contents can be very daunting. Before discussing the register positions I will discuss the method by which they are set.

Setting The FM Chip Registers


The Sound Blaster uses the following ports to control it's FM chips.

388h (read/write)     Index/Status port  (Both Channels) (Adlib)
389h (write only)     Data Port          (Both Channels) (Adlib)
2x8h (read/write)     Index/Status port  (Both Channels)
2x9h (write only)     Data Port          (Both Channels)
2x0h (read/write)     Index/Status port  (Left Channel)
2x1h (write only)     Data Port          (Left Channel)
2x2h (read/write)     Index/Status port  (Right Channel)
2x3h (write only)     Data Port          (Right Channel)

In the above list the x in the port numbers is set by the base port of the card (set by jumpers on the card.)
e.g. if the baseport is 220h then 2x8h means 228h.

The ports 388h and 389h are supported to alow backward compatibility with the Adlib sound card. As the Adlib had only one FM chip, all values are written to both the left and right channels.

The ports 2x8h and 2x9h are the new equivilents of 388h and 389h.

To set a register to a value:-
(i)     Send the register number to the index port
(ii)    Wait 3.3 micro seconds before any SB I/O
        (this can be achieved by reading the status
        port 6 times)
(iii)   Send the data to the data port
(iv)    Wait 23.3 micro seconds before any SB I/O
        (this can be achieved by reading the status
        port 35 times)
N.B. If you don't wait between writes the SB locks up!

Status Byte

When you read the status port the value returned is defined as
bit     Usage
 7      Set if either the Fast or Slow counter has overflowed   
 6      Set if the Fast counter has overflowed   
 5      Set if the Slow counter has overflowed   
See below for details about counters

Register Usage

Not all of the registers are used. Here are the registers and what they do.

Reg    Name           Bits  Usage
  1    Test           0-7   You must load the value 0 into this register
                            before programing the SB

  2    Fast Counter   0-7   When the fast counter is started the value
                            stored here is loaded into it. The counter
                            is incremented every 80 microseconds. When
                            it reaches 255 the value stored in this
                            register is re-loaded, the bit in the status
                            byte is set (see below) and the counter
                               TIME = (256-reg(2)) * 0.08 microseconds
  3    Slow Counter   0-7   This is used in the save way as reg 2,except
                            the number is used for the slow counter,
                            which is incremented every 320 microseconds.
                               TIME = (256-reg(2)) * 0.32 microseconds
  4    Counter        7     If this bit is set the flags in the status
       Controler            byte are re-set to 0.
                      6     If this bit is set the status byte doesn't
                            give info about the fast counter.
                      5     If this bit is set the status byte doesn't
                      1     When this bit is set the slow counter is
                            started and the value from reg(3) is loaded
                      0     When this bit is set the fast counter is
                            started and the value from reg(2) is loaded
  8   General         7     If bit is set then composite mode is used
      Control               otherwise normal mode is used.
                      6     This bit is used to determine the split point??

20-35 Operator        7     AM      When this is set there are intensity
      Settings                      fluctuations in the signal (3.7Hz)
                                    see Reg(BD)
                      6     VIB     When this is set there are pitch
                                    fluctuations in the signal (6.4Hz)
                                    see Reg(BD)
                      5     EG-TYP  When this is set the voice is
                                    sustained while it is enabled if
                                    not, it drops to 0 at the release
                      4     KSR     When this is set the high notes are
                                    played shorter.
                      0-3   MULTI   This setting determines the value
                                    by which the frequency is multiplied
                                    the range is 0-15, and if it is set to
                                    0 it is halved (a freq of 0 is bolloks)

40-55 Operator        6-7   KSL     Set the volume decrease per octave
      Settings                      0 = 0dB
                                    1 = 3dB
                                    2 = 1.5dB
                                    3 = 6dB
                            TL      These bits set the Total Volume Level
                                    0 is the highest and 63 is 0dB
                                    Volume = (63-TL) * 0.75dB

60-75 Operator        4-7   AR      Attack Rate (Rate at which the sound
      Settings                      Reaches the maximum volume).
                      0-3   DR      Decay Rate (Rate at which the sound
                                    Drops to the Sustain Volume).

80-95 Operator        4-7   SL      Sustain Level, level at which the
      Settings                      volume stays while it is held on
                                    (unless EG-TYP = 0). 15 is the
                                    minimum (0dB) and 0 is maximum.
                            RR      Release Rate. The rate at which
                                    the sound drops from the sustain
                                    level to 0.

A0-A8 F-NO            0-7   These nine bytes control the frequency of
                            the nine instruments. These bytes hold the
                            eight least significant bits of the freq.
                            Reg(B0-B8) contain the two other bits.

B0-B8 Voice Settings  5     KEY     When set the voice is turned on
                                    when it is reset the voice falls
                                    to 0 at the RR (Unless EG-TYP is
                                    set, when it falls to 0 at the RR
                                    as soon as the SL is reached).
                      2-4   Octave  These bits select the octave
                                    Middle C is in octave 4.
                      0-1   F-NO    These are the two most significant
                                    bits of the frequency
                                    see Reg(A0-A8)

BD    Vibro and       7     VIB     This is the intensity of the
      Rhythm settings               amplitude fluctuation.
                                    0 = max 1dB
                                    1 = max 4.8dB
                                    see Reg (20-35)
                      6     FREQ    This is the intensity of the
                                    frequency fluctuation
                                    0 = max 7%
                                    1 = max 14%
                                    see Reg (20-35)
                      5     RHYTHM  If this bit is set then the rhythm
                                    instruments are used.
                      0-4   R_KEY   Rhythm key bits, these turn the
                                    rhythm instruments on and off
                                        bit   instrument
                                        0     High Hat
                                        1     Top Cymbal
                                        2     Tom-tom 
                                        3     Snare Drum
                                        4     Bass Drum

C0-C8 Modeulator      1-3   FB      Feed Back  0=none, 7=maximum
      Settings        0     FM      1  Selects Additive synthesis 
                                    0  FM synthesis

E0-F5 Wave Select     0-1   This selects one of the types of sine waves
                                0=normal          _
                                                /   \
                                                     |     |
                                                      \ _ /

                                1=modulus         _     _
                                                /   \ /   \

                                2=positive only   _
                                                /   \   

                                3=positive gradient only
                                                  _    _
                                                / |   /|  
                            Don't ask, coz I don't know what it does!

The registers which are described above alow you to change the status of the FM chips.

The registers can be seperated into four types

Global Registers 1,2,3,4,8,BD

These are easy to use and they effect all voices.

Modulator Settings C0-C8

These are relatively straight forward. There is one register for each modulator, so reg A5 controls voice 5.

Voice Settings A0-A8 and B0-B8

These are also relatively straight forward. In melody mode there is one register for each voice, so reg A5 controls voice 5.

In Rhythm mode the first six instruments are the same, then the Bass drum is controled by the seventh registers (A6 and B6). The Tom-tom uses the ninth registers. The other rhythm instruments can't be programed in this way and, so the eigth registers do nothing.

Operator Settings 20-35, 40-55, 60-75, 80-95 and E0-F5

These registers use the most complex addressing system. To address the correct modulator/carrier for each instrument you will need to use a lookup table. In the table below the numbers are the offsets from the base registers.
Voice       Carrier        Modulator
  1           03              00
  2           04              01
  3           05              02
  4           0B              08
  5           0C              09
  6           0D              0A
  7           13              10
  8           14              11
  9           15              12
When in Rhythm mode the rhythm instruments are controled by the following registers (Again offsets from the base)
Instrument       Register
Bass Drum           13  and  16   (It uses two operators)
Snare Drum          17
Tom-Tom             15
Top Cymbal          18
High-Hat            14

Playing Music

In the duration of a piece of music, most of the registers are not touched. The registers which are used the most are A0-A8 and B0-B8. These values are changed to turn the instruments on and off, and to set their frequencies. The other values, which really define the instruments are set up at the start.


To play high quality music you need a good method of creating the timing between notes. There are two methods, by which you can do this.

Using the PIT

The PIT (Programable Interrupt timer) is a part of the computer, which can be programed to create interrupts with fixed time gaps.

The PIT's counter is incremented 1234DDh times a second (If I remember correctly!). When it reaches a value (set by writting a value to it's port)

The PIT has three channels. The first is responsible for the clock. It is set to produce an interrupt (number 8) 18.2 times a second. The second is hooked up to the DRAM on you're PC (it handles memory refreshes). The Third channel is used to control the PC speaker.

The channel which you will want to use is channel 0.

You can simply hook the interrupt, you will then recieve control 18.2 times a second, and as long as you execute a FAR JMP to the origional handler, each time, and restore the interrupt vector at the end, you will not mess up the clock.

The complication is that you may not want to play a note 18.2 times a second, or even a multiple of 18.2 times a second. In this case you must re-program the timer, and make sure that you still call the origional timer interrupt vector 18.2 times a second.

e.g.If you want control 36.4 times a second you will need to reprogram the timer. The counter is incremented 1234DDh times a second, so you will need to cause an interrupt after 1234DDh/36.4=5000h increments. So you need to re-program the timer

Set Port 43h to 34h (Set it up)
Write the Least Significant Byte of the counter value to port 40h (in this example this is 0h)
Write the Most Significant Byte of the counter value to port 40h (in this example this is 50h)

Then hook the interrupt, keep a running total of the number of clock ticks, (in this case you add 5000h to the counter for each interrupt.) When the counter passes 10000h (the origional counter value) deduct 10000h from your counter and call the origional routine (with a FAR JMP.)

In your interrupt handler you will have to set up the new notes for each instrument.

Using the Sound Blaster's Counter

Simply use the counter to time it, checking the status bit in the main loop of your program, to see if new notes are needed. This could be in-accurate if your program doesn't check the status regularaly.