Fixing mobile viewing

It was brought to my attention recently that the mobile viewing experience of this blog was not exactly what I’d hope for. In my poor defence I proof read on my desktop and the only time I see my posts on mobile is via FreshRSS. Also my UX ability sucks.

Anyway. I’ve updated the “theme” to a more recent version of minima and tried to make sure I haven’t broken it all in the process (I did break tagging, but then I fixed it again). I double checked the generated feed to confirm it was the same (other than some re-tagging I did), so hopefully I haven’t flooded anyone’s feed.

Hopefully I can go back to ignoring the underlying blog engine for another 5+ years. If not I’ll have to take a closer look at Enrico’s staticsite.

First impressions of the VisionFive 2

VisionFive 2 packaging

Back in September last year I chose to back the StarFive VisionFive 2 on Kickstarter. I don’t have a particular use in mind for it, but I felt it was one of the first RISC-V systems that were relatively capable (mentally I have it as somewhere between a Raspberry Pi 3 + a Pi 4). In particular it’s a quad 1.5GHz 64-bit RISC-V core with 8G RAM, USB3, GigE ethernet and a single M.2 PCIe slot. More than ample as a personal machine for playing around with RISC-V and doing local builds. I ended up paying £67 for the Early Bird variant (dual GigE ethernet rather than 1 x 100Mb and 1 x GigE). A couple of weeks ago I got an email with a tracking number and last week it finally turned up.

Being impatient the first thing I did was plug it into a monitor, connect up a keyboard, and power it on. Nothing except some flashing lights. Looking at the boot selector DIP switches suggested it was configured to boot from UART, so I flipped them to (what I thought was) the flash setting. It wasn’t - turns out the “ON” marking on the switches represents logic 0 and it was correctly setup when I got it. I went to read the documentation which talked about writing an image to a MicroSD card, but also had details of the UART connection. Wanting to make sure the device was at least doing something before I actually tried an OS on it I hooked up a USB/serial dongle and powered the board up again. Success! U-Boot appeared and I could interact with it.

I went to the VisionFive2 Debian page and proceeded to torrent the Image-69 image, writing it to a MicroSD card and inserting it in the slot on the bottom of the board. It booted fine. I can’t even tell you what graphical environment it booted up because I don’t remember; it worked fine though (at 1080p, I’ve seen reports that 4K screens will make it croak).

Poking around the image revealed that it’s built off a snapshot from 20220616T194833Z, which is a little dated at this point but I understand the rationale behind picking something that works and sticking with it. The kernel is of course a vendor special, based on 5.15.0. Further investigation revealed that the entire X/graphics stack is living in /usr/local, which isn’t overly surprising; it’s Imagination based. I was pleasantly surprised to discover there is work to upstream the Imagination support, but I’m not planning to run the board with a monitor attached so it’s not a high priority for me.

Having discovered all that I decided to see how well a “clean” Debian unstable install from Debian Ports would go. I had a spare Intel Optane lying around (it’s a stupid 22110 M.2 which is too long for any machine I own), so I put it in the slot on the bottom of the board. To my surprise it Just Worked and was detected ok:

# lspci
0000:00:00.0 PCI bridge: PLDA XpressRich-AXI Ref Design (rev 02)
0000:01:00.0 USB controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VL805/806 xHCI USB 3.0 Controller (rev 01)
0001:00:00.0 PCI bridge: PLDA XpressRich-AXI Ref Design (rev 02)
0001:01:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Intel Corporation NVMe Datacenter SSD [Optane]

I created a single partition with an ext4 filesystem (initially tried btrfs, but the StarFive kernel doesn’t support it), and kicked off a debootstrap with:

# mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1
# mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt
# debootstrap --keyring=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-ports-archive-2023.gpg \
	unstable /mnt

The u-boot setup has a convoluted set of vendor scripts that eventually ends up reading a /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf config from /dev/mmcblk1p2, so I added an additional entry there using the StarFive kernel but pointing to the NVMe device for /. Made sure to set a root password (not that I’ve been bitten by that before, too many times), and rebooted. Success! Well. Sort of. I hit a bunch of problems with having a getty running on ttyS0 as well as one running on hvc0. The second turns out to be a console device from the RISC-V SBI. I did a systemctl mask serial-getty@hvc0.service which made things a bit happier, but I was still seeing odd behaviour and output. Turned out I needed to reboot the initramfs as well; the StarFive one was using Plymouth and doing some other stuff that seemed to be confusing matters. An update-initramfs -k 5.15.0-starfive -c built me a new one and everything was happy.

Next problem; the StarFive kernel doesn’t have IPv6 support. StarFive are good citizens and make their 5.15 kernel tree available, so I grabbed it, fed it the existing config, and tweaked some options (including adding IPV6 and SECCOMP, which chrony wanted). Slight hiccup when it turned out trying to do things like make sound modular caused it to fail to compile, and having to backport the fix that allowed the use of GCC 12 (as present in sid), but it got there. So I got cocky and tried to update it to the latest 5.15.94. A few manual merge fixups (which I may or may not have got right, but it compiles and boots for me), and success. Timings:

$ time make -j 4 bindeb-pkg
… [linux-image-5.15.94-00787-g1fbe8ac32aa8]
real	37m0.134s
user	117m27.392s
sys	6m49.804s

On the subject of kernels I am pleased to note that there are efforts to upstream the VisionFive 2 support, with what appears to be multiple members of StarFive engaging in multiple patch submission rounds. It’s really great to see this and I look forward to being able to run an unmodified mainline kernel on my board.

Niggles? I have a few. The provided u-boot doesn’t have NVMe support enabled, so at present I need to keep a MicroSD card to boot off, even though root is on an SSD. I’m also seeing some errors in dmesg from the SSD:

[155933.434038] nvme nvme0: I/O 436 QID 4 timeout, completion polled
[156173.351166] nvme nvme0: I/O 48 QID 3 timeout, completion polled
[156346.228993] nvme nvme0: I/O 108 QID 3 timeout, completion polled

It doesn’t seem to cause any actual issues, and it could be the SSD, the 5.15 kernel or an actual hardware thing - I’ll keep an eye on it (I will probably end up with a different SSD that actually fits, so that’ll provide another data point).

More annoying is the temperature the CPU seems to run at. There’s no heatsink or fan, just the metal heatspreader on top of the CPU, and in normal idle operation it sits at around 60°C. Compiling a kernel it hit 90°C before I stopped the job and sorted out some additional cooling in the form of a desk fan, which kept it as just over 30°C.

Bare VisionFive 2 SBC board with a small desk fan pointed at it

I haven’t seen any actual stability problems, but I wouldn’t want to run for any length of time like that. I’ve ordered a heatsink and also realised that the board supports a Raspberry Pi style PoE “Hat”, so I’ve got one of those that includes a fan ordered (I am a complete convert to PoE especially for small systems like this).

With the desk fan setup I’ve been able to run the board for extended periods under load (I did a full recompile of the Debian 6.1.12-1 kernel package and it took about 10 hours). The M.2 slot is unfortunately only a single PCIe v2 lane, and my testing topped out at about 180MB/s. IIRC that is about half what the slot should be capable of, and less than a 10th of what the SSD can do. Ethernet testing with iPerf3 sustained about 941Mb/s, so basically maxing out the port. The board as a whole isn’t going to set any speed records, but it’s perfectly usable, and pretty impressive for the price point.

On the Debian side I’ve not hit any surprises. There’s work going on to move RISC-V to a proper release architecture, and I’m hoping to be able to help out with that, but the version of unstable I installed from the ports infrastructure has looked just like any other Debian install. Which is what you want. And that pretty much sums up my overall experience of the VisionFive 2; it’s not noticeably different than any other single board computer. That’s a good thing, FWIW, and once the kernel support lands properly upstream (it’ll be post 6.3 at least it seems) it’ll be a boring mainline supported platform that just happens to be RISC-V.

Building a read-only Debian root setup: Part 2

This is the second part of how I build a read-only root setup for my router. You might want to read part 1 first, which covers the initial boot and general overview of how I tie the pieces together. This post will describe how I build the squashfs image that forms the main filesystem.

Most of the build is driven from a script, make-router, which I’ll dissect below. It’s highly tailored to my needs, and this is a fairly lengthy post, but hopefully the steps I describe prove useful to anyone trying to do something similar.

Breakdown of make-router

# Either rb3011 (arm) or rb5009 (arm64)

if [ "x${HOSTNAME}" == "xrb3011" ]; then
elif [ "x${HOSTNAME}" == "xrb5009" ]; then
	echo "Unknown host: ${HOSTNAME}"
	exit 1

It’s a bash script, and I allow building for either my RB3011 or RB5009, which means a different architecture (32 vs 64 bit). I run this script on my Pi 4 which means I don’t have to mess about with QemuUserEmulation.

BASE_DIR=$(dirname $0)
IMAGE_FILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir router.${ARCH}.XXXXXXXXXX.img)
MOUNT_POINT=$(mktemp -p /mnt -d router.${ARCH}.XXXXXXXXXX)

# Build and mount an ext4 image file to put the root file system in
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=0 seek=1G of=${IMAGE_FILE}
mkfs -t ext4 ${IMAGE_FILE}
mount -o loop ${IMAGE_FILE} ${MOUNT_POINT}

I build the image in a loopback ext4 file on tmpfs (my Pi4 is the 8G model), which makes things a bit faster.

# Add dpkg excludes
mkdir -p ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/
cat <<EOF > ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/path-excludes
# Exclude docs

# Only locale we want is English

# No man pages

Create a dpkg excludes config to drop docs, man pages and most locales before we even start the bootstrap.

# Setup fstab + mtab
echo "# Empty fstab as root is pre-mounted" > ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/fstab
ln -s ../proc/self/mounts ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/mtab

# Setup hostname
echo ${HOSTNAME} > ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/hostname

# Add the root SSH keys
mkdir -p ${MOUNT_POINT}/root/.ssh/
cat <<EOF > ${MOUNT_POINT}/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAv8NkUeVdsVdegS+JT9qwFwiHEgcC9sBwnv6RjpH6I4d3im4LOaPOatzneMTZlH8Gird+H4nzluciBr63hxmcFjZVW7dl6mxlNX2t/wKvV0loxtEmHMoI7VMCnrWD0PyvwJ8qqNu9cANoYriZRhRCsBi27qPNvI741zEpXN8QQs7D3sfe4GSft9yQplfJkSldN+2qJHvd0AHKxRdD+XTxv1Ot26+ZoF3MJ9MqtK+FS+fD9/ESLxMlOpHD7ltvCRol3u7YoaUo2HJ+u31l0uwPZTqkPNS9fkmeCYEE0oXlwvUTLIbMnLbc7NKiLgniG8XaT0RYHtOnoc2l2UnTvH5qsQ==
ssh-rsa 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 noodles@yubikey
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC0I8UHj4IpfqUcGE4cTvLB0d2xmATSUzqtxW6ZhGbZxvQDKJesVW6HunrJ4NFTQuQJYgOXY/o82qBpkEKqaJMEFHTCjcaj3M6DIaxpiRfQfs0nhtzDB6zPiZn9Suxb0s5Qr4sTWd6iI9da72z3hp9QHNAu4vpa4MSNE+al3UfUisUf4l8TaBYKwQcduCE0z2n2FTi3QzmlkOgH4MgyqBBEaqx1tq7Zcln0P0TYZXFtrxVyoqBBIoIEqYxmFIQP887W50wQka95dBGqjtV+d8IbrQ4pB55qTxMd91L+F8n8A6nhQe7DckjS0Xdla52b9RXNXoobhtvx9K2prisagsHT noodles@cup
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBK6iGog3WbNhrmrkglNjVO8/B6m7mN6q1tMm1sXjLxQa+F86ETTLiXNeFQVKCHYrk8f7hK0d2uxwgj6Ixy9k0Cw= noodles@sevai

Setup fstab, the hostname and SSH keys for root.

# Bootstrap our install
debootstrap \
	--arch=${ARCH} \
	--include=collectd-core,conntrack,dnsmasq,ethtool,iperf3,kexec-tools,mosquitto,mtd-utils,mtr-tiny,ppp,tcpdump,rng-tools5,ssh,watchdog,wget \
	--exclude=dmidecode,isc-dhcp-client,isc-dhcp-common,makedev,nano \
	bullseye ${MOUNT_POINT}

Actually do the debootstrap step, including a bunch of extra packages that we want.

# Install mqtt-arp
cp ${BASE_DIR}/debs/mqtt-arp_1_${ARCH}.deb ${MOUNT_POINT}/tmp
chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} dpkg -i /tmp/mqtt-arp_1_${ARCH}.deb
rm ${MOUNT_POINT}/tmp/mqtt-arp_1_${ARCH}.deb

# Frob the mqtt-arp config so it starts after mosquitto
sed -i -e 's/After=.*/After=mosquitto.service/' ${MOUNT_POINT}/lib/systemd/system/mqtt-arp.service

I haven’t uploaded mqtt-arp to Debian, so I install a locally built package, and ensure it starts after mosquitto (the MQTT broker), given they’re running on the same host.

# Frob watchdog so it starts earlier than multi-user
sed -i -e 's/After=.*/' ${MOUNT_POINT}/lib/systemd/system/watchdog.service

# Make sure the watchdog is poking the device file
sed -i -e 's/^#watchdog-device/watchdog-device/' ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/watchdog.conf

watchdog timeouts were particularly an issue on the RB3011, where the default timeout didn’t give enough time to reach multiuser mode before it would reset the router. Not helpful, so alter the config to start it earlier (and make sure it’s configured to actually kick the device file).

# Clean up docs + locales
rm -r ${MOUNT_POINT}/usr/share/doc/*
rm -r ${MOUNT_POINT}/usr/share/man/*
for dir in ${MOUNT_POINT}/usr/share/locale/*/; do
	if [ "${dir}" != "${MOUNT_POINT}/usr/share/locale/en/" ]; then
		rm -r ${dir}

Clean up any docs etc that ended up installed.

# Set root password to root
echo "root:root" | chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} chpasswd

The only login method is ssh key to the root account though I suppose this allows for someone to execute a privilege escalation from a daemon user so I should probably randomise this. Does need to be known though so it’s possible to login via the serial console for debugging.

# Add security to sources.list + update
echo "deb bullseye-security main" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/apt/sources.list
chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} apt update
chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} apt -y full-upgrade
chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} apt clean

# Cleanup the APT lists
rm ${MOUNT_POINT}/var/lib/apt/lists/www.*
rm ${MOUNT_POINT}/var/lib/apt/lists/security.*

Pull in any security updates, then clean out the APT lists rather than polluting the image with them.

# Disable the daily APT timer
rm ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/systemd/system/

# Disable daily dpkg backup
cat <<EOF > ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/cron.daily/dpkg

# Don't do the daily dpkg backup
exit 0

# We don't want a persistent systemd journal
rmdir ${MOUNT_POINT}/var/log/journal

None of these make sense on a router.

# Enable nftables
ln -s /lib/systemd/system/nftables.service \

Ensure we have firewalling enabled automatically.

# Add systemd-coredump + systemd-timesync user / group
echo "systemd-timesync:x:998:" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/group
echo "systemd-coredump:x:999:" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/group
echo "systemd-timesync:!*::" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/gshadow
echo "systemd-coredump:!*::" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/gshadow
echo "systemd-timesync:x:998:998:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/usr/sbin/nologin" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/passwd
echo "systemd-coredump:x:999:999:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/passwd
echo "systemd-timesync:!*:47358::::::" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/shadow
echo "systemd-coredump:!*:47358::::::" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/shadow

# Create /etc/.pwd.lock, otherwise it'll end up in the overlay
touch ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/.pwd.lock
chmod 600 ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/.pwd.lock

Create a number of users that will otherwise get created at boot, and a lock file that will otherwise get created anyway.

# Copy config files
cp --recursive --preserve=mode,timestamps ${BASE_DIR}/etc/* ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/
cp --recursive --preserve=mode,timestamps ${BASE_DIR}/etc-${ARCH}/* ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/
chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} chown mosquitto /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.users
chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} chown mosquitto /etc/ssl/mqtt.home.key

There are config files that are easier to replace wholesale, some of which are specific to the hardware (e.g. related to network interfaces). See below for some more details.

# Build symlinks into flash for boot / modules
ln -s /mnt/flash/lib/modules ${MOUNT_POINT}/lib/modules
rmdir ${MOUNT_POINT}/boot
ln -s /mnt/flash/boot ${MOUNT_POINT}/boot

The kernel + its modules live outside the squashfs image, on the USB flash drive that the image lives on. That makes for easier kernel upgrades.

# Put our git revision into os-release
echo -n "GIT_VERSION=" >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/os-release
(cd ${BASE_DIR} ; git describe --tags) >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/etc/os-release

Always helpful to be able to check the image itself for what it was built from.

# Add some stuff to root's .bashrc
cat << EOF >> ${MOUNT_POINT}/root/.bashrc
alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'
eval "\$(dircolors)"

case "\$TERM" in
	PS1="\\[\\e]0;\\u@\\h: \\w\a\\]\$PS1"

Just some niceties for when I do end up logging in.

# Build the squashfs
mksquashfs ${MOUNT_POINT} /tmp/router.${ARCH}.squashfs \
	-comp xz

Actually build the squashfs image.

# Save the installed package list off
chroot ${MOUNT_POINT} dpkg --get-selections > /tmp/wip-installed-packages

Save off the installed package list. This was particularly useful when trying to replicate the existing router setup and making sure I had all the important packages installed. It doesn’t really serve a purpose now.

In terms of the config files I copy into /etc, shared across both routers are the following:

Breakdown of shared config
  • apt config (disable recommends, periodic updates):
    • apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic, apt/apt.conf.d/local-recommends
  • Adding a default, empty, locale:
    • default/locale
    • dnsmasq.conf, dnsmasq.d/dhcp-ranges, dnsmasq.d/static-ips
    • hosts, resolv.conf
  • Enabling IP forwarding:
    • sysctl.conf
  • Logs related:
    • logrotate.conf, rsyslog.conf
  • MQTT related:
    • mosquitto/mosquitto.users, mosquitto/conf.d/ssl.conf, mosquitto/conf.d/users.conf, mosquitto/mosquitto.acl, mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
    • mqtt-arp.conf
    • ssl/lets-encrypt-r3.crt, ssl/mqtt.home.key, ssl/mqtt.home.crt
  • PPP configuration:
    • ppp/ip-up.d/0000usepeerdns, ppp/ipv6-up.d/defaultroute, ppp/pap-secrets, ppp/chap-secrets
    • network/interfaces.d/pppoe-wan

The router specific config is mostly related to networking:

Breakdown of router specific config
  • Firewalling:
    • nftables.conf
  • Interfaces:
    • dnsmasq.d/interfaces
    • network/interfaces.d/eth0, network/interfaces.d/p1, network/interfaces.d/p2, network/interfaces.d/p7, network/interfaces.d/p8
  • PPP config (network interface piece):
    • ppp/peers/aquiss
  • SSH keys:
    • ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key, ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key, ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key, ssh/, ssh/, ssh/
  • Monitoring:
    • collectd/collectd.conf, collectd/collectd.conf.d/network.conf

Enabling retrogaming with Kodi on Debian

For some reason my son has started to be really into watching playthroughs of Mario and similar games on Youtube. I don’t understand the appeal, but it’s less distracting as background than Paw Patrol, so I’m not complaining. He’s not quite at the stage he’s ready to play the games himself, but it’s coming. So I figured it would be neat to sort out some retrogaming bits ready for when that happens.

I already have a Kodi box underneath the TV; it doesn’t get as much use these days as a lot of our viewing is through commercial streaming services, but it’s got all of our DVDs ripped so is still useful. Recent version of Kodi have support for games as well, so I decided it would be perfect if I could tie in to that. However. The normal ways of doing this seems to be to download someone’s pre-rolled setup, and I’d much rather be able to get the bits I need from Debian, as that’s what the machine is running (it does a few minor things other than Kodi).

The best retrogaming environment out there seems to be RetroArch. It’s available for Linux/OS X/Windows and RetroPie provides a nice easy standalone setup if you’re not interested in the Kodi side. If you are then game.libretro provides a wrapper for libretro cores under Kodi. This seemed like the right track.

Unfortunately RetroArch and related packages were in need of some love in Debian. So I ended up engaging in some yak shaving to try and get to where I wanted to be. First up was RetroArch itself, which was over 4 years out of date, at 1.7.3. It turned out that wanted an updated assets package which contains the necessary icons etc for the interface.

RetroArch is only a frontend. To actually play games you need a suitable core. The first one I tried was genesisplusgx (I have fond memories of Sonic from the Master System era), which again was several years out of date. I pulled recent git (I wish folk would tag releases at least every now and then) and updated things. And successfully managed to play Sonic (badly, I am way out of practice).

genesisplusgx is in non-free, due to a prohibition on commercial distribution. So it’s not actually part of Debian. I switched my attention to libretro-bsnes-mercury, which would then allow SNES emulation and is part of main. Again, not to hard to update, some packaging cleanups, and I was playing Super Mario. Again, badly.

That meant I knew I had working emulation with libretro cores. It was time to integrate with Kodi. That meant taking game.libretro, filing an ITP and doing a bunch of bits to get it ready to upload (including introducing a retroarch-dev binary package that contains the appropriate include files as part of retroarch). It sat in NEW for a while (including an initial reject because I’d missed an attribution in the debian/copyright), and was accepted yesterday.

There’s a final piece of the puzzle, and that’s the Kodi config that ties together the libretro core with game.libretro and presents the emulator to Kodi as a fully fledged add-on. The kodi-game folk have a neat tool, kodi-game-scripting which automates the heavy lifting of producing this config. I’ve done some local modifications that make it bit more useful for producing config that can be embedded in the Debian libretro-* packages directly, which I should upload somewhere but it’s all a bit rough ‘n ready at present. It was enough to allow me to produce some kodi-game-libretro-bsnes-* packages as part of libretro-bsnes-mercury.

With that complete, all the packages needed for playing SNES games under Kodi are now present in Debian. I need to upload libretro-bsnes-mercury to unstable (it went to experimental while waiting for kodi-game-libretro to be accepted), and kodi-game-libretro needs another source-only upload, but once that’s done both should be in good shape to migrate to testing and be part of the upcoming bookworm release.

What else is there to do? I’d like to get Kodi config included in the other libretro packages that are already part of Debian. That’s going to need the Controller Topology Project to be packaged so that the controller details are available (I was lucky in that the SNES controller is already part of the Kodi package). I need to work out if I can turn kodi-game-scripting into some sort of dh helper to help automate things. But I’ve done some local testing with genesisplusgx and it works fine as expected.

The other thing is that games are not yet first class citizens in Kodi; the normal browser interface you get for movies, music and TV shows is not available for games. Currently I’ve been trying out the ROM Collection Browser though I find its automated scraping isn’t as good as I’d like. A friend has recommended the Advanced Emulator Launcher but I haven’t taken a look at it. Either way I’d like to ultimately get one of them packaged up as well, though not in time for bookworm.

Anyway. My hope is that these updated and new packages prove useful to someone else. You can tell I’m biased towards 90s era consoles, but if you’ve enough CPU grunt there are a bunch of more recent cores available too. Big thanks to the Debian FTP Master team for letting these through NEW so close to release. And all the upstream devs - RetroArch is a great framework from my perspective as a user, and the Kodi Game folk have done massive amounts of work that made my life much easier when preparing things for Debian.

Building a read-only Debian root setup: Part 1

I mentioned in the post about upgrading my home internet that part of the work I did was creating a read-only Debian root with a squashfs image. This post covers the details of how I boot with that image; a later post will cover how I build the squashfs image.

First, David Reader kindly pointed me at his rodebian setup, which was helpful in making me think about the whole problem but ultimately not the direction I went. Primarily because on the old router (an RB3011) I am space constrained, with only 120M of usable flash, and so ideally I wanted as much as possible of the system in a well compressed filesystem. squashfs seemed like the best option for that, and ultimately I ended up with a 39M image.

I’ve then used overlayfs to mount a tmpfs, so I get what looks like a writeable system without having to do too many tweaks to the actual install. On the plus side I can then see exactly what is getting written where and decide whether I need to update something in the squashfs. I don’t boot with an initrd - for initial testing I booted directly off a USB stick. I’ve actually ended up continuing to do this in production, because I’ve had no pressing reason to move it all to booting off internal flash (I’ve ended up with a Sandisk SDCZ430-032G-G46 which is tiny). However nothing I’m going to describe is dependent on that - this would work perfectly well for a initial UBIFS rootfs on internal NAND.

So the basic overview is I boot off a minimal rootfs, mount a squashfs, create an appropriate tmpfs, mount an overlayfs that combines the two, then pivotroot into the overlayfs and exec its init so it becomes the rootfs.

For the minimal rootfs I started with busybox, in particular I used the armhf busybox-static package from Debian. My RB5009 is an ARM64, but I wanted to be able to test on the RB3011 as well, which is ARMv7. Picking an armhf binary for the minimal rootfs lets me use the same image for both. Using the static build helps reduce the number of pieces involved in putting it all together.

The busybox binary goes in /bin. I was able to cheat and chroot into the empty rootfs and call busybox --install -s to create symlinks for all the tools it provides, but I could have done this manually. There’s only a handful that are actually needed, but it’s amazing how much is crammed into a 1.2M binary.

/sbin/init is a shell script:


# Make sure we have a sane date
if [ -e /data/saved-date ]; then
        CURRENT_DATE=$(date -Iseconds)
        if [ "${CURRENT_DATE:0:4}" -lt "2022" -o \
                        "${CURRENT_DATE:0:4}" -gt "2030" ]; then
                echo Setting initial date
                date -s "$(cat /data/saved-date)"

# Work out what platform we're on
ARCH=$(uname -m)
if [ "${ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]; then

# Mount a tmpfs to store the changes
mount -t tmpfs root-rw /mnt/overlay/rw

# Make the directories we need in the tmpfs
mkdir /mnt/overlay/rw/upper
mkdir /mnt/overlay/rw/work

# Mount the squashfs and build an overlay root filesystem of it + the tmpfs
mount -t squashfs -o loop /data/router.${ARCH}.squashfs /mnt/overlay/lower
mount -t overlay \
        -o lowerdir=/mnt/overlay/lower,upperdir=/mnt/overlay/rw/upper,workdir=/mnt/overlay/rw/work \
        overlayfs-root /mnt/root

# Build the directories we need within the new root
mkdir /mnt/root/mnt/flash
mkdir /mnt/root/mnt/overlay
mkdir /mnt/root/mnt/overlay/lower
mkdir /mnt/root/mnt/overlay/rw

# Copy any stored state
if [ -e /data/state.${ARCH}.tar ]; then
        echo Restoring stored state
        cd /mnt/root
        tar xf /data/state.${ARCH}.tar

cd /mnt/root
pivot_root . mnt/flash
echo Switching into root filesystem
exec chroot . sh -c "$(cat <<END
mount --move /mnt/flash/mnt/overlay/lower /mnt/overlay/lower
mount --move /mnt/flash/mnt/overlay/rw /mnt/overlay/rw
exec /sbin/init

Most of what the script is doing is sorting out the squashfs + tmpfs backed overlayfs that becomes the full root filesystems, but there are a few other bits to note. First, we pick up a saved date from /data/saved-date - the router has no RTC and while it’ll sort itself out with NTP once it gets networking up it’s useful to make sure we don’t end up comically far in the past or future. Second, the script looks at what architecture we’re running and picks up an appropriate squashfs image from /data based on that. This let me use the same USB stick for testing on both the RB3011 and the RB5011. Finally we allow for a /data/state.${ARCH}.tar file to let us pick up changes to the rootfs at boot time - this prevents having to rebuild the squashfs image every time there’s a persistent change.

The other piece that doesn’t show up in the script is that the kernel and its modules are all installed into this initial rootfs (and then symlinked from the squashfs). This lets me build a mostly modular kernel, as long as all the necessary drivers to mount the USB stick are built in.

Once the system is fully booted the initial rootfs is available at /mnt/flash, by default mounted read-only (to avoid inadvertent writes), but able to be remounted to update the squashfs image, install a new kernel, or update the state tarball. /mnt/overlay/rw/upper/ is where updates to the overlayfs are written, which provides an easy way to see what files are changing, initially to determine what might need tweaked in the squashfs creation process and subsequently to be able to see what needs updated in the state tarball.

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