[E3-hacking] Anyone heard of this phone..

Nick Griffin span1922 at live.com
Sun Apr 21 17:22:45 BST 2019

It looks like the first emailer abit, its has the same layout ,see the keyboard at the bottom and uses the Pocket Dock IT too and has PB in its name like PBL for the Boot Loader, I guess that's where PBL came from.. weird, its called a Amstrad PB1500 and PB Stands for Phone Book. So Phone Book Loader…😊 well that makes sence,when you turn on the Emailer it loading up its phone book so you can make a call.. 😊 Phone Book is Address Book just another name for it.



From: Nick Griffin<mailto:span1922 at live.com>
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎21‎ ‎April‎ ‎2019 ‎11‎:‎40
To: Discussion of the Amstrad E3 emailer hardware/software<mailto:e3-hacking at earth.li>

I do wish I never flashed E3 Linux on it now,theres no point to it,you can’t put anything on it or run anything on it cos its too old and E3 Linux didn’t go anywhere, its just a command line version because the E3 is not powerful to run proper Linux. I installed E3 Linux release v2 (E3 Linux sound better that just Linux or release v2 this way you know what I am taking about)from the.earth.li/pub/e3/<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http://the.earth.li/pub/e3/&data=02%7c01%7c%7c840b4cbdc1144202f49908d6c645d49b%7c84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7c1%7c0%7c636914400552286012&sdata=G0BDfgsHg/sYeCygQes4FwIOjf39Uy92wVNnDT20ZdI%3D&reserved=0>  what are the rest of the stuff in there, can I update it to 2.6.19,its at 2.6.16 that what release v2 is…?

I would like to put a program on it so it shows images on it screen you have to make it on it and it don’t even have make on it to make a program so make need to be installed first.
If I can’t put the original firmware back or put a program on it so it shows a animated gif then it useless and I will end up putting it in the bin. I have about 8 gifs of its old adverts and want to show them on the E3s screen, can anyone help me please. I am not used to installing programs from source code, I am use to installing it from a repository.

Oh and what happen to this…  http://amstrad-e3-hacking.freeforums.net/thread/7/support-status-update<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http://amstrad-e3-hacking.freeforums.net/thread/7/support-status-update&data=02%7c01%7c%7c840b4cbdc1144202f49908d6c645d49b%7c84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7c1%7c0%7c636914400552296023&sdata=Sz12Lx9X8WFByYU/vSme5aD2fP4oDx9mC%2BWoJgaTf5c%3D&reserved=0>  why did the work on E3 Linux stop and only get to 2.6.19…?

and very interested in this bit at the end.. “BTW, my 12-bit framebuffer display support has been accepted and included in
mplayer svn revision 31139 on May 6th. Using it, I can enjoy a prescaled
422x316 5fps MSMPEG-4 encoded live video stream playing fluently in
fullscreen mode on my E3 display.”

Leave a reply in there and tell us what happened to E3 Linux 2.6.34..



From: Nick Griffin<mailto:span1922 at live.com>
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎20‎ ‎April‎ ‎2019 ‎22‎:‎25
To: Discussion of the Amstrad E3 emailer hardware/software<mailto:e3-hacking at earth.li>

OK sorted it out now, (thanks to Ollie), will I be able to use these files to put the Amstrad firmware back on the E3 at all..?

question is here too http://amstrad-e3-hacking.freeforums.net/thread/9/config-content-filesystem?page=1&scrollTo=92<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http://amstrad-e3-hacking.freeforums.net/thread/9/config-content-filesystem?page%3D1%26scrollTo%3D92&data=02%7c01%7c%7c840b4cbdc1144202f49908d6c645d49b%7c84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7c1%7c0%7c636914400552306028&sdata=0qVbgCV4iqyAupGIKOwRmIhBCVM2drsvfy3XHjl%2BSzw%3D&reserved=0>

You don’t need to register to reply or leave a new thread there now.



From: Ralph Corderoy<mailto:ralph at inputplus.co.uk>
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎20‎ ‎April‎ ‎2019 ‎18‎:‎39
To: Discussion of the Amstrad E3 emailer hardware/software<mailto:e3-hacking at earth.li>

Hi Nick,

> sudo nand-oob-strip.py e3-nand-backup.0 e3-nand.0: No such file or
> directory

Two things.  You probably don't need sudo as your ordinary user should
be able to read e3-nand-backup.0 and write e3-nand.0.  You have to
specify a path to the nand-oob-strip.py script for the shell to find it.
Since it's in the current directory, that's just `.', i.e.

    ./nand-oob-strip.py in.0 out.0

If that complains, then it's because ./nand-oob-strip.py lacks the
`execute' permission for you.  Either add it with chmod(1), or run the
Python interpreter directly:

    python3 nand-oob-strip.py in.0 out.0

Alternatively, to modify the file in place, so ensure they're not your
only copies, you can do

    LC_ALL=C perl -i -0777pe 's/(.{512})(.{16})/$1/gs' \

which substitutes every 512 bytes followed by 16 bytes with just the

Cheers, Ralph.

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